Bonbon vs. Truffle (2024)

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Chocolate Truffles Bonbons FAQs

Simply put, the difference between bonbons and truffles is that bonbons are molded chocolates with a non-chocolate center (fruit for example). Truffles have a buttery chocolate center and are rolled in another ingredient, such as cocoa powder or nuts.

For most chocolate lovers, choosing between a truffle or a bonbon isn’t important. After all, indulging in gourmet chocolate is the point. But what is the difference between a truffle and a bonbon in pop culture?

To find the answer, let’s look at the chocolate experts’ community guidelines for the differences.

By the way, check out our collection of truffles and bonbons!

Chocolate Truffles

Chocolate truffles are round and dusted with cocoa powder. The name “truffle” comes from their resemblance to mushroom-like fungus, considered a delicacy of the same name. The main ingredient besides chocolate is heavy cream.

Basically, all truffles are fine chocolate and cream with a ganache filling. Ganache is a thick and rich mixture that’s similar to creamy icing, except not as spreadable. True chocolate truffles can have different flavors and be sprinkled with nuts instead of being coated with chocolate powder on the outer shell.

In the end, that’s all there is to a decadent chocolate truffle. If the center is anything but chocolate ganache — nougat, buttercream, ice cream, coconut or caramel — it’s a bonbon.

The word “bon” comes from the French word “good.” Think of bon voyage (good trip) or bon appetit (good appetite/meal). The term bonbon refers to a delicious confection of tempered chocolate and flavored filling.


In fact, bonbon in France is used to refer to any kind of candy. Unlike truffles, chocolate bonbons come in different shapes and sizes and can be filled with everything from fruit purées to decadent dark chocolate buttercream.

Bonbons, unlike chocolate truffles, are not chocolate from the start. First, a chocolatier crafts the center (whether it’s buttercream or cocoa butter) and then dips it in chocolate. Another key difference is that chocolate bonbons aren’t dusted with cocoa powder. The chocolate shell is smooth and can be round, oval, rectangular or even shaped like a heart.

The best part about bonbons is that you never know what you might sink your teeth into. On the outside, the chocolate center, whether it’s creamy or chewy, can sometimes be hard to determine. It’s common to see people scrutinizing the box of chocolates for ingredients and descriptions of the decadent indulgence.

But remember you shouldn’t take one bite and put it back.

Sound familiar?! Once bitten you need to finish the chocolate before moving on to the next. The same can be said for truffles. A half-eaten truffle might offend the next chocolate seeker, so remember to finish what you started. If you have a hard time deciding between a truffle or bonbon, think of a truffle like it has more chocolate and less filling and bon bons with less chocolate but more filling.

Regardless of the differences, both truffles and bonbons are award winners with quality ingredients and distinctly different from a chocolate bar in shape and texture. Both are perfect ways to start your day, a sweet gift on Valentines Day or when corporate gifting.

Remember whether you’re going for the rounded deliciousness of a truffle or the surprise of a chocolate bonbon, both will satisfy any chocolate lover!

Bonbon vs. Truffle (2024)


Bonbon vs. Truffle? ›

What Is a Bonbon? A bonbon is a candy that consists of a hard chocolate coating that surrounds a sweet filling. Bonbons are often confused with truffles, but they're not the same thing — truffles are balls of ganache rolled in cocoa powder.

What makes a bonbon a bonbon? ›

What Is a Bonbon? A bonbon is a candy that consists of a hard chocolate coating that surrounds a sweet filling. Bonbons are often confused with truffles, but they're not the same thing — truffles are balls of ganache rolled in cocoa powder.

What makes a candy a truffle? ›

A traditional chocolate truffle is a confectionery made with a rich chocolate ganache center. They're shaped by hand into spheres or balls, which is why they get their name from the edible fungus we know as truffles. They don't taste like mushrooms, but they look like one!

What is the difference between a praline and a bonbon? ›

Pralines feature a crunchy nut and sugar filling; truffles have a creamy ganache center; bonbons encompass a wide range of filled chocolates. Each of these treats offers a unique taste experience, making them beloved choices for indulging in the world of confectionery delights.

What's the difference between a truffle and a praline? ›

The key difference between the two is that a praline's main ingredient is nuts, whereas a chocolate truffle relies primarily on chocolate to showcase its flavour. In fact, a praline doesn't need chocolate in it at all, but we must admit we like to add a little every now and again.

What's the difference between truffle and bonbon? ›

What is the difference between a bonbon and a truffle? Simply put, the difference between bonbons and truffles is that bonbons are molded chocolates with a non-chocolate center (fruit for example). Truffles have a buttery chocolate center and are rolled in another ingredient, such as cocoa powder or nuts.

What defines a truffle? ›

A truffle is a member of the fungi family prized for its earthy, woodsy flavor and aroma that fans find intoxicating. Truffles grow worldwide, although most of those harvested in the wild come from Europe, notably Italy and France. Truffles grow underground near the roots of “host trees” such as beech, poplar or oak.

Is Ferrero Rocher a truffle? ›

Make my Homemade Ferrero Rocher (Chocolate Hazelnut Truffles), which are easy no-bake edible gifts for the holidays or any time!

What the heck is a truffle? ›

Truffles are a fungus that grows underground at or near the base of trees known as host trees, but not all trees are suitable places for truffles to grow. Typically host trees include poplar, beech, and oak trees. Truffle fungi grow worldwide in many different varieties.

What is a truffle technically? ›

A truffle is the fruiting body of a subterranean ascomycete fungus, one of the species of the genus Tuber. More than one hundred other genera of fungi are classified as truffles including Geopora, Peziza, Choiromyces, and Leucangium.

Is a Ferrero Rocher a bon bon? ›

The name comes from the chocolate's inventor, Michele Ferrero, a second generation Italian chocolatier who also created Nutella (the man really had a thing for hazelnuts and chocolate). So now we have two reasons to bow down to this genius. Ferrero created this bonbon in 1979.

Why are they called bonbons? ›

The word originated from the French language and simply means "candy", where the first reports of bonbons come from the 17th century, when they were made at the French royal court. The name bonbon arose from the reduplication of the word bon, meaning 'good' in the French language.

Is a bon bon a toffee? ›

Traditional, old-fashioned bon bons! Sugar-coated powdery balls of chewiness, these are the original Bristow's Bon Bons, just like you remember. After the thick sugar coating dissolves on your tongue, you've got a mouth workout on your hands as you soften up that deliciously creamy, chewy toffee centre.

Why are some candies called truffles? ›

A: Truffles originated in France in 1895 and it was here that the ball of chocolate ganache dusted with cocoa received the name, truffle. As it turns out, truffles are named after the mushrooms of the similar name because of their resemblance to the dark and rumpled mushroom.

What is a truffle vs chocolate truffle? ›

Despite sharing a name, a chocolate truffle does not contain any truffles of the mushroom variety. Nevertheless, some especially adventurous chocolate manufacturers may attempt to make chocolate-covered mushrooms.

Is a truffle a rich chocolate candy? ›

A truffle is a rich chocolate candy. The inside of a chocolate truffle consists of melted chocolate, butter, cream, nuts and different flavorings such as spirits or liqueurs, vanilla, coffee, and spices.

What defines a bon bon? ›

bon·​bon ˈbän-ˌbän. 1. : a candy with chocolate or fondant coating and fondant center that sometimes contains fruits and nuts. 2. : something that is pleasing in a light or frivolous way.

What is a bon bon vs bonbon? ›

A bonbon, sometimes bon-bon, is a small chocolate confection. They are usually filled with liqueur or other sweet alcoholic ingredients, and sold wrapped in colored foil.

Why are they called bon bon? ›

In the end of the 1800s, the first bonbons were born in France! Bonbon means "candy" in French. At the time, it was handcrafted as balls, with added decoration as signature. Today, a bonbon designate a French chocolate candy which is round on top, flat at the bottom.

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