With These Charts, You Can Cook Anything in a Slow Cooker (2024)

From helping you figure out how long to cook a pork roast to letting you know when to switch between "High" and "Low," these cheat sheets answer all your slow-cooker questions.

By Lynn Andriani

1. How Long Should I Cook It?

Most slow cookers have just two settings: "Low" and "High" (if only everything in life were so simple). When time allows, we prefer to use "Low," since food tends to cook better on the more gentle heat over a longer period of time. But if you're time-pressed, go ahead and use "High"; slow cookers are pretty forgiving. Just remember that variables such as the meat's fat content and density, the amount of liquid, the size and type of the vegetables and the quantity of food will all affect the cooking time, so these times are approximate.

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With These Charts, You Can Cook Anything in a Slow Cooker (2)

Illustration: Lisa Greene

2. How Do I Convert Cooking Time from "High" to "Low"?

The difference between "High" and "Low" on slow cookers seems to differ with every brand and model. One thing that is consistent, though, is that food takes seven to eight hours to reach a simmer point (around 210°) on low; versus three to four hours on high. A general rule of thumb from Luis Sanchez, senior category manager for the appliance manufacturer Breville: To go from "High" to "Low" (or vice versa), multiply (or divide) the original time by 1.5 to 2.5 hours. And as with the cooking times for specific ingredients, these times are approximate.

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With These Charts, You Can Cook Anything in a Slow Cooker (3)

Illustration: Lisa Greene

3. How Do I Layer the Ingredients?

Here's one instance where a tiny bit of fussiness actually pays off. Foods that are at the very bottom of your slow cooker will be closest to the heating element; while those on top will be farther away, so putting the ingredients into the pot in the right order will affect how they cook.

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With These Charts, You Can Cook Anything in a Slow Cooker (4)

Illustration: Lisa Greene

4. What Should I Add at the Very End?

Finishing touches can add brightness, heat, richness and other elements to your dish. Wait until the very end to stir them in, though, since some herbs will fall apart if they're cooked for hours, while citrus' zesty flavor will be muddled after too long.

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Published 11/30/2016

With These Charts, You Can Cook Anything in a Slow Cooker (2024)


How long can you cook in a slow cooker? ›

Most slow cooker meals take 8-12 hours on low or 4-6 hours on high, but there are also recipes for slow-cooked meat that take up to 24 hours. If you want to avoid overcooking your dish, follow the given guidelines as closely as possible.

Can you slow cook everything? ›

Honestly, you can cook just about anything in the slow cooker.

Is 4 hours on high the same as 8 hours on low in a slow cooker? ›

The difference between "High" and "Low" on slow cookers seems to differ with every brand and model. One thing that is consistent, though, is that food takes seven to eight hours to reach a simmer point (around 210°) on low; versus three to four hours on high.

Can I put frozen meat in a slow cooker? ›

It is best to thaw meat or poultry before putting it into a slow cooker. Frozen pieces will take longer to reach a safe internal temperature and could possibly result in foodborne illness. Frozen or partially frozen foods can also cool everything else in the slow cooker.

Can you put raw hamburger in a slow cooker? ›

Absolutely, which is why you should always adjust times and amounts as needed. Smaller amounts of slow cooker hamburger only need a few hours before they are done.

Are slow cookers safe to leave on overnight? ›

Is it safe to leave a slow cooker on for 12 hours? Yes, you can use your slow cooker for longer than eight hours, as long as you keep an eye on it. Many slow cookers do have an automatic shutoff after 24 hours.

Is it okay to leave a slow cooker on warm overnight? ›

Given how close that temperature is to the Danger Zone, Crock Pot recommends that you only keep food on the warm setting in your slow cooker for up four hours.

Can I leave meat in the slow cooker overnight? ›

Slow cookers are very low wattage appliances, meaning that they cook food slowly, as well as safely. Unlike other cooking appliances, you can leave food in a slow cooker unattended for hours at a time.

Can meat go bad in a slow cooker? ›

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), slow cookers' max temperatures generally reach between 170 and 280 degrees F (77 and 138 degrees C). That's high enough to kill most bad bacteria, but the USDA still recommends thawing all foods completely before placing them in a slow cooker.

Can you slow cook all meat? ›

While slow cooking turns tougher, sinewy joints of meat (think beef shin, oxtail, pork shoulder) into tender morsels, lean cuts (chicken breast, pork fillet, fillet steak) cook down to tough leather. It's better to leave these pieces of meat for frying or grilling.

Can I leave a slow cooker on for 12 hours? ›

People do this all the time, but many aren't truly confident that it's 100 percent safe — I, for one, am one of those people. So I did a little digging to get the hard facts. The truth is, yes, leaving the slow cooker on and going about your day is safe, as long as you are using the appliance properly.

What is the best meat to slow cook? ›

Choose the right cut: Chuck roasts, short ribs, pork shoulders and lamb shanks (think fatty and tougher meats) become meltingly tender with the moist, low heat of a slow cooker. Leaner cuts like pork tenderloin tend to dry out. Likewise, dark meat chicken — thighs, drumsticks, etc.

Do you put hot or cold water in a slow cooker when cooking? ›

Preheat the cooker and add hot liquids, if possible. Preheating the crock before adding ingredients or cooking on the highest setting for the first hour will ensure a rapid heat start and will shorten the time foods are in the temperature danger zone.

Can I put frozen chicken in the crockpot? ›

According to the slow cooker and food safety guidelines from the USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service, it's imperative to "always thaw meat or poultry before putting it into a slow cooker." If this is news to you, you're not alone. Not all of our favorite slow cookers come with consistent warning labels.

Can you just throw everything into a slow cooker? ›

One of the main attractions for many people is the ease of a slow cooker, so when you're looking for recipes, avoid those that suggest a lot of pre-preparation. For many dishes, particularly soups and stews, you really can just throw all the ingredients in.

Is it safe to put raw meat in a slow cooker? ›

Research conducted by USDA FSIS indicates it's safe to cook large cuts of meat and poultry in a slow cooker.

What's the difference between slow cooker and Crockpot? ›

However, Crockpots generally have ceramic or porcelain pots, while most slow cookers have a metal pot. As with a lot of cooking appliances, the biggest difference comes from the distribution of heat.

What is the danger zone for a Crockpot? ›

A safe slow cooker, cooks slow enough for unattended cooking, yet fast enough to keep food out of the bacterial danger zone. In the danger zone (above 40°F to below 140°F), bacteria grows very rapidly.

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.