Why isn’t my bread sour? – Sourdough Home (2024)

All About Sour
Or, Why Isn't My Bread Sour?

Far too many of the emails I get start out something like, "Why do you call it sourdough? After all, it isn't sour!" Or perhaps, "What am I doing wrong? I want my bread to be SOUR!"

To no small extent, the term "sourdough" might be to blame. I think the American word sourdough may be derived from the German "Sauerteig", which literally means "sour dough". In German "sauer" can be sour, or can can just mean acidic. Most acids are sour to the taste in sufficient quantity. (Please, don't try this at home unless you are a chemist and know what you're getting into. If you have to try this, use a little bit of household vinegar.)

And indeed, a healthy starter is acidic, and may even be sour in the taste sense. But that doesn't always translate to our breads.

Let's start with the idea that most breads aren't supposed to be all that sour. Sour gets in the way of many other bread tastes. The100% whole wheat breadrecipe I stole from Laurel Robertson is very different as a sourdough bread than as a yeasted bread. The taste of the wheat is greatly subdued, being overpowered by sour. Some people would greatly prefer the yeasted bread. (If you want to try the original recipe, which is marvelous, buy or borrow her book,"The Laurel's Kitchen Bread Book".I think trying my version and hers will help you understand the differences between extreme sourdough and yeasted breads.

In general, many beginners at sourdough have the preconceived notion that sourdough bread should be very sour. Like the classicSan Francisco Sourdough Bread,or like the100% whole wheat breadmentioned above.

However, most sourdough breads aren't that sour, and most breads shouldn't be that sour. The French find San Francisco Sourdough Bread to be overwhelming, perhaps even barbaric (is it just me, or do the French enjoy calling Americans barbarians?).

One consequence of the common belief that sourdough should be sour is that commercial sourdough is too sour. Sadly, most commercial sourdoughs aren't actually sourdough breads. They are yeasted breads that have had acetic acid, malic acid, and/or fumaric acid added to them. This "Sour Patch Kids" version of fake sourdough bread will set your teeth on edge. A natural product has trouble competing with a chemistry lab in the sour taste department. Chemists tend to produce a one-note taste that isn't very appealing. Worse, it has soured many people on the idea of sourdough. All too often at the bakery we heard people tell us, "I tried sourdough once, and I don't like it."

Taste should be about balance. Still, as Mark Twain once said, "All things in moderation, especially moderation." He also said, "Too much of anything is bad, except whiskey, where too much is just enough." Which goes to the notion that it's OK for some breads to go way over to the sour side, but they don't ALL have to.

Sourdough, in all breads, acts as a preservative, a natural preservative. Many of our customers indignantly wanted to know what sort of preservatives we were using in our breads and not listing on our labels.

Sourdough also makes trace nutrients more available to the person eating the bread. Many people who are eating 100% whole grain breads aren't really helping themselves nutritionally because the additional nutrients touted in whole grain breads are bound by phytic acid. Sourdough breaks these bonds, and the nutrients become available.

Sourdough also adds a depth of flavor that is interesting and compelling. One of our regular customers told us he didn't like our sourdoughs, but he REALLY liked our cinnamon raisin bread. He should have read the label more closely. The sourdough in that bread was very subtle, but added depth to the bread's taste.

Of course, there is one more aspect to the sour question. As a group, we Americans are as bad as the British - we love sweet things. The Italians have a sickeningly sweet dessert called "Zuppa Inglese" or "English Soup". It's a joke, with the Italians suggesting that the British even want their soups sweet. (Most of the recipes I've seen for this are a triffle, or lady fingers imbibed with pastry cream and liquor, so it's not even soup, unless you consider the pastry cream to be soup-like.)

To many Americans, if it isn't sweet, it's sour, and it isn't worth eating. So, to some extent, it's a matter of contrast. Many of the sourdough recipes on this site would be seen by people in other parts of the world as just plain bread. Which is pretty much what is expected, as a lot of bread around the world is made with natural leavens, or sourdough.

Still, all this babbling aside, what tends to foster sour, and what tends to inhibit it? Once you know that, you can tailor your breads to suit your taste.

Haulin' ashesIf you look at a sack of flour, you'll probably see a line in the nutritional analysis with the word "ash". If you've noticed it and you're not a food scientist, you've probably wondered, "Why are they adding ASH to my flour?" The good news is that ash is not added to your flour. When food scientists analyze food, they burn it to determine its caloric content. What is left over is ash. They weigh it and it is often listed as part of the nutritional analysis. In the baker's view, ash represents the mineral content of the flour. In general, more minerals yield more sour taste. Using flours with more ash, or mineral, content, will yield more sour taste. If you can't get enough ash, adding a bit of whole wheat flour to your recipe, which is what is done with the 20% Bran Flour,will boost the sour of a bread. Conversely, using a lower ash flour will tend to produce a milder bread.

Time's a Risin'Next, there is the fermentation, or rise, time. The longer the dough rises, the more sour it will become. Of course, it's really easy to say, "let it rise longer". The new baker will be faced with the pressure of a loaf that is fully risen and has to go into the oven NOW, even if it would be better to let it rise longer to get a more sour taste. Or, the new baker will have a loaf that's no where near being ready to bake, even though if it goes any longer it will become too sour for that baker's taste.

It all starts with the starterIt becomes increasingly obvious that how your starter is treated will impact how sour your bread will be. A thicker starter tends to promote activity in the bacteria that leads to sour. My suggestions in these pages are to maintain a 100% hydration starter (equal parts flour and water by weight) and to feed it twice a day. If you were to take the starter and keep it at 50% hydration (twice as much flour as water by weight, or about 1 cup flour to 1/4 cup water) and feed it once a day, your starter will become more sour. And the bread made with it will also become more sour. We'll talk about this more when I put the Dr. Sugihara San Francisco Sourdough Bread recipe on line in the San Francisco Sourdough recipe testing.

What's a poor baker to do?

You can control yourrisetime in a number of ways. Temperature is one way. Putting the dough into a cooler environment can stretch therisetime out to days. Many San Francisco bakeries let the breadrisefor 24 to 36 hours at temperatures in the 55 to 65F degree range (12 to 18C).

Using less starter is another way to extend therise time. Punching down the dough an additional rise time is yet another way. I don't suggest letting dough riseuntil it collapses. This seems to damage the structure of the dough irreparably. Finally, a denser dough willrise more slowly than a thinner dough. Most of the breads I had in San Francisco were pretty dense, with an open crumb and large holes. Which seemed an odd combination.

You wantSOUR?I'll give you sour!Sooner or later, most beginning bakers decide that if they start with a sour starter, they'll have a sour bread. So, they let the starter go far too long between feedings and use a half-dead starter to try to raise their bread. This can sometime give a bread a real kick in the sour, but at the cost of rise. A long slowrisewith a healthy starter is a better approach. A variation on this is suggested by Scott and Wing in"The Bread Builders."I haven't had time to try this, but the idea is to use half old-soured starter and half fresh lively starter. If someone tries it, please report back to me.

Of course, most of these comments can be reversed to get a less sour bread. Use more fresh starter and you get a fasterriseand a milder taste. Form the loaf as soon as the dough is kneaded and let itriseonly once and you'll have a milder bread. Use a shorter rise, and you get a milder taste. Use a lower ash content flour and you get a milder taste.

Still, at the end of the day, bread is about more than sour. It has to work with whatever you're eating it with. If it's eaten alone, it has to stand on its own, and that usually means a balanced taste, or at least a bread that has more going for it than the one trick pony approach of super-sour bread that so many sourdough beginners are striving for.

Why isn’t my bread sour? – Sourdough Home (2024)


Why isn’t my bread sour? – Sourdough Home? ›

Using flours with more ash, or mineral, content, will yield more sour taste. If you can't get enough ash, adding a bit of whole wheat flour to your recipe, which is what is done with the 20% Bran Flour, will boost the sour of a bread. Conversely, using a lower ash flour will tend to produce a milder bread.

What adds the sour flavor to sourdough breads? ›

The signature sourdough flavor comes from a combination of lactic and acetic acids, created as the dough rises and ferments. Refrigerating the dough encourages the production of more acetic acid, which is the tangier of the two. Thus, this bread with its refrigerated starter has the ideal balance of sour flavor.

What is the secret behind the sour of sourdough bread? ›

There are two main acids produced in a sourdough culture: lactic acid and acetic acid. Acetic acid, or vinegar, is the acid that gives sourdough much of its tang. Giving acetic acid-producing organisms optimal conditions to thrive and multiply will produce a more tangy finished product.

Does vinegar make sourdough more sour? ›

Sourdough bread is one of the most difficult to make, especially for beginners. Instead of making it the “long way,” you can make a sour-flavored loaf by simply adding vinegar. And, it turns out, adding a bit of vinegar can make for an overall bouncier loaf.

Why doesn't my sour dough rise? ›

Most commonly, the issue here has to do with temperature (which is very important). If your sourdough starter is kept at a low temp, even 70°F (21°C), it will slow fermentation activity and appear to be sluggish, taking longer to rise and progress through the typical signs of fermentation. The solution: keep it warm.

How to fix acidic sourdough starter? ›

My starter is very acidic. How can I de-acidify it? Try feeding your starter a high feeding ratio (e.g., 1:5:5) and discard and refeed right after the starter rises and peaks. This is known as the “peak-to-peak” method.

What does adding more sourdough starter do? ›

You can change the amount of starter you need to fit your specific needs. GENERAL RULE: The less starter you use, the slower your dough will ferment - often resulting in a more sour flavored loaf. And you guessed it..the more starter you use, the faster your dough will ferment - resulting in a less sour loaf.

Why is my sourdough bread not very sour? ›

More stretch and folds. Typically, people do about 3-5 stretch and folds in the process of making a loaf of sourdough bread. If you do 2-4 more of them, it helps produce a more sour dough.

Does bread flour make sourdough more sour? ›

White flour or bread flour doesn't have as many microorganisms and result in a more mild flavored loaf. Shorter Bulk Fermentation: I typically don't let my bulk fermentation go over 4 hours (at 78ºF). The longer your dough bulk ferments, the more sour it can be.

Why is it called sourdough if it's not sour? ›

Sourdough bread is called “sourdough” because it is made using a naturally occurring yeast and bacteria culture known as a sourdough starter. The starter is a mixture of flour and water that is left to ferment over time, which allows wild yeast and bacteria to colonize it.

What makes sourdough bread taste better? ›

The sourdough starter is the real secret to getting a good fermentation going. Essentially your sourdough starter is old dough, which has already pre-fermented and contains Lactobacillus culture. Lactobacillus culture has a sour taste and is an active culture that lives off natural yeast spores from the air.

What's the best flour to use for sourdough starter? ›

Over the past decade-plus of baking, I've tested all manner of flour from whole grain wheat to spelt to einkorn, and while they all do work, my preferred flour to use when creating a sourdough starter is whole grain rye flour and white flour (this can be all-purpose or high-protein bread flour).

Should I stir my sourdough starter between feedings? ›

It is important that you stir the sourdough starter every day in the morning and in the evening. Feed the starter. Add 60 g flour and 60 g lukewarm water, stir well to combine, and let sit out for 24 hours.

Does salt make sourdough more sour? ›

Salt inhibits the acid producers more than the yeast, which means that once the levain is mixed into the main dough, the ability to produce acid is somewhat diminished.

How much apple cider vinegar to add to sourdough? ›

Hack: apple cider vinegar. I often add about a tablespoon of ACV to bread as a dough conditioner. This doesn't affect the flavor much if at all. There are some recipes that use larger amount of ACV as a hack to create a sourdough flavor without the fermentation.

What does overproofed sourdough look like? ›

Note: As loaves begin to overproof they lose their height and shape. The crumb becomes more dense. The holes become more ragged and irregular in shape. The crust begins to thin and separate from the crumb.

Can you let sourdough rise overnight on the counter? ›

You can cold ferment or cold proof your sourdough overnight because the cold temperature of the fridge stops the dough from over fermenting. If you were to leave your shaped dough on the counter overnight, you'd wake up to a soupy mess (unless it was freezing in your home).

How do you make dough more sour? ›

Here are my best tips for increasing the sourness of your sourdough bread.
  1. Use more whole grain flours across the sourdough process.
  2. Oxygenate your starter.
  3. Feed starter less and keep the hooch.
  4. Use a stiff starter.
  5. Add starter after peak.
  6. Ferment the dough longer and at cooler temperature (using less starter)
Jun 10, 2020

Why doesn't my homemade sourdough bread taste sour? ›

Using flours with more ash, or mineral, content, will yield more sour taste. If you can't get enough ash, adding a bit of whole wheat flour to your recipe, which is what is done with the 20% Bran Flour, will boost the sour of a bread. Conversely, using a lower ash flour will tend to produce a milder bread.

How do I know if I killed my sourdough starter? ›

Keep feeding your starter, and you'll see normal activity (bubbles) return in a few days. If your starter has a bit of dark liquid on top, it's not dead! It simply means it's hungry and that it's time to feed it. Unless your starter has a pink or orange hue or is beginning to mold, you probably haven't killed it yet.

How to make sourdough bread that's not sour? ›

  1. What Makes Sourdough Sour? ...
  2. How To Make Sourdough Less Sour. ...
  3. Don't Use Wholegrain Flours In Your Sourdough Starter. ...
  4. Don't Let Your Starter Get Hungry. ...
  5. Feed Your Starter Before It Peaks. ...
  6. Ferment Your Sourdough For A Shorter Time. ...
  7. Skip or Reduce Your Cold Ferment. ...
  8. Further Reading.
Sep 21, 2020

What happens if I add too much starter to sourdough bread? ›

If you have too much starter compared to the additional flour and water you're adding, your hungry starter consumes all the nutrients and then it's not as bubbly.

How to make a very active sourdough starter? ›

Flour with more protein and nutrients make sourdough starter more active, so consider feeding your starter with bread flour, whole wheat flour, rye flour (or a combination of these) to increase fermentation activity and rise. Thicken the starter (lower hydration ratio).

Can you overfeed your sourdough starter? ›

Yes, you can overfeed your sourdough starter. Audrey explains: “Every time you add more flour and water, you are depleting the existing population of natural bacteria and yeast.” If you keep adding more and more, eventually you'll dilute the starter so much that you'll just have flour and water.

How does sourdough get the sour taste? ›

Sourdough bread's signature taste comes from friendly bacteria and yeast, which produce flavorful lactic and acetic acids in rising bread dough.

What chemical makes sourdough sour? ›

First, the production of lactic acid (as well as acetic acid) lowers the pH of your starter to around 3.5 (and as high as 5). This lowering of pH results in that characteristic sour flavor of sourdough.

Why is store bought sourdough so sour? ›

One consequence of the common belief that sourdough should be sour is that commercial sourdough is too sour. Sadly, most commercial sourdoughs aren't actually sourdough breads. They are yeasted breads that have had acetic acid, malic acid, and/or fumaric acid added to them.

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.