The Best Mashed Potatoes Recipe - WonkyWonderful (2024)

By Nicole Harris 14 Comments





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What makes this The Best Mashed Potatoes Recipe? Several things. These creamy mashed potatoes are easy to prepare, perfectly seasoned and drenched in thyme infused brown butter!This unique twist on a favorite holiday side dish is sure to be a hit!

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Homemade Mashed Potatoes

Mashed potatoes are my JAM! I love, love, love me a generous helping of taters. When I am serving myself up a holiday plate, I allot half of the plate just for mashed potatoes!

Comfort food at it’s best. There is nothing more comforting that buttery potatoes that have been perfectly seasoned with fresh cracked salt and pepper.

Brown butter is all the rage the last couple years. It sounds fancy but is really simple to create. It is just a matter of heating butter until it turns a golden brown color.

Brown butter adds a special flavor to otherwise plain dishes. Dare I say a ‘complex flavor’ without getting thrown out of here for being too pretentious?!?

Check out this Brown Butter Tutorial for step by step visual instructions.

The most important step . . . seasoning.

There is nothing more disappointing than underseasoned potatoes. B-O-R-I-N-G.

You want to have a light coating of fresh cracked salt and pepper over the top of these mashed potatoes. It will bring the dish to life!

There you have it. The Best Mashed Potatoes Recipe Evuh! {well, in my humble opinion anyway}

Is there anything more glorious than mountains of mashed potatoes flecked with salt and pepper? Nope.

And just look at that butter shine!

The Best Mashed Potatoes Recipe - WonkyWonderful (6)

Mashed Potatoes with Thyme Infused Brown Butter

What makes this The Best Mashed Potatoes Recipe? Several things. These creamy mashed potatoes are easy to prepare, perfectly seasoned and drenched in thyme infused brown butter!This unique twist on a favorite holiday side dish is sure to be a hit!


Mashed Potatoes

  • 5 lbs Gold Potatoes - cut into large chunks*
  • 1/2 Cup Butter
  • 1-1½ Cups Whole Milk

Brown Butter

  • 1/2 Cup Butter
  • 2-3 Thyme Sprigs


Mashed Potatoes

  1. In large pot, cover potatoes with water and boil just until a fork can be easily inserted into potatoes. Turn off burner, drain potatoes and return to pot. Add butter. Mash** to desired consistency. Stir in milk a half cup at a time until creamy.

Brown Butter

  1. Cut 1/2 cup butter into cubes. Melt butter in saucepan over medium heat then add the thyme. Stir continuously the entire time. Remove from heat once the butter has reached a golden brown color. (takes about 4-5 minutes). Remove and discard sprigs. (some thyme leaves will remain in butter.


  1. Transfer mashed potatoes to a serving dish. Pour brown butter over the top. Generously season with fresh cracked salt and pepper.


*White or red potatoes work great too!
**I use a manual potato masher. An electric hand mixer can also be used.
Yields approximately 10 cups

Nutrition Information

Yield 8Serving Size 1
Amount Per ServingCalories 495Total Fat 25gSaturated Fat 16gTrans Fat 1gUnsaturated Fat 7gCholesterol 66mgSodium 231mgCarbohydrates 62gFiber 6gSugar 6gProtein 9g

Nutritional information on WonkyWonderful is provided as a courtesy and is approximate only. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the nutritional information given for any recipe on this site.

If you like these taters, you’re gonna love my recipe for !






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Reader Interactions


  1. The Best Mashed Potatoes Recipe - WonkyWonderful (10)Lori @ RecipeGirl says

    This is one of those WHOA kind of recipes. Thyme-Infused Brown Butter??? I could drink that stuff 🙂


    • The Best Mashed Potatoes Recipe - WonkyWonderful (11)Nicole Harris says

      Lol, these mashed potatoes ARE hard to resist! I had to get them out of my house asap because I’m still getting ready for that January retreat 😀


  2. The Best Mashed Potatoes Recipe - WonkyWonderful (12)Jen+@+Jen's+Favorite+Cookies says

    I never thought to use brown butter in the potatoes, but I think this is genius!! And I love thyme, too, I put it in everything. I’m totally making this recipe!


  3. The Best Mashed Potatoes Recipe - WonkyWonderful (13)Lori @ Foxes Love Lemons says

    I am totally with you on all of this! Mashed potatoes are my absolute favorite part of Thanksgiving, and yes . . . half my plate, devoted to potatoes. For sure. I also just wrote an entire blog post about how to season them properly. Because yeah, bland potatoes are the worst! I am loving this brown butter idea.


  4. The Best Mashed Potatoes Recipe - WonkyWonderful (14)Faith (An Edible Mosaic) says

    Yes – mashed potato girl here too! I have to say, your mash looks waaaaaaaaaaay better than mine ever did. I need to try this recipe!!


  5. The Best Mashed Potatoes Recipe - WonkyWonderful (15)Beverley says

    Always on the look out for a yummy new recipe for mashed potatoes and wow at that brown butter!


  6. The Best Mashed Potatoes Recipe - WonkyWonderful (17)Aimee @ Simple Bites says

    Sounds so so good!! I need some comfort food this week. 🙂


  7. The Best Mashed Potatoes Recipe - WonkyWonderful (19)Elizabeth says

    These look soooo good! And I’m totally on team lots of pepper/brown butter/herbs a plenty. Yes!


  8. The Best Mashed Potatoes Recipe - WonkyWonderful (20)a says

    can dried thyme be used instead of thyme sprigs? if so, how much?


    • The Best Mashed Potatoes Recipe - WonkyWonderful (21)Nicole Harris says

      Yes, you can use dried thyme. I would start with 1/2 teaspoon and increase from there depending on personal taste.


    • The Best Mashed Potatoes Recipe - WonkyWonderful (23)Nicole Harris says



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The Best Mashed Potatoes Recipe - WonkyWonderful (2024)
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