Skillet Chicken With Mushrooms and Caramelized Onions Recipe (2024)

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A Quarter Cup Of Wine Instead Of Sherry Vinegar

This made the flavor very intense, and fantastic with noodles and a light pinot noir. Will definitely make again


Welcome to cooking! I sympathize with your frustrations over ambiguities. Don't worry! Cut the chicken however you want (or don't cut at all). Diamond Crystal is specified because it's less "salty" than other kosher salts. Solution? Use less of another salt. "Good" olive oil just means something other than a $2 bottle that's rancid. Have faith in yourself, your tastes, your abilities. Use a little more of an ingredient you like, less if you don't. And enjoy!


This dish turned out excellent for me. I added some oyster mushrooms to the creminis since I had them. If/when I make it again I will likely add more varieties of mushroom. It was delicious. I served it over a basic risotto, which gave the dish a rich, creamy texture that was quite decadent.


Super simple to make, and great for a week night dinner. Slicing the onions thin is key to get that “french onion” result


Half the chicken. Twice the onions and mushrooms.


I made this using extra firm tofu and it came out great. Added baby spinach, fresh parsley and dill toward the end to finish it. Beautiful “meatless Monday” dinner served with vegan noodles.


Made it 6 months ago as written: was disappointed in the final amount of the cooked mushrooms and onions. My thin-cut veggies disintegrated! :-) Last night, used 6 cups each of the onions and mushrooms and didn't cut them too thin (and adjusted cooking time accordingly); kept the chicken amount the same; used white wine and vinegar (NOT white wine vinegar) to round out the flavor, cut back on the last addition of olive oil. MUCH better dish for me. Thank you, Ms. Fahr and the NYTimes.


Didnt have sherry vinegar so substituted seasoned rice vinegar. I was skeptical about sweating the onions in a dry pan, but it worked perfectly. Very tasty and a nice change from my boring chicken recipes. It will go into rotation at my house.

Susan from Dallas

This was delicious! We used dry sherry (not cooking sherry, yuk) instead of the sherry vinegar and I think it gave the flavor just a bit of a pop (and the aroma of the dry sherry, of course, is to die for). I questioned the cooking directions, but they worked perfectly. Next time I will probably throw in some spinach as suggested. Will definitely make this again.


As a relatively new cook, certain common recipe ambiguities drive me nuts. In this case, chicken thighs “cut into three-inch pieces.” What are pieces? Rectangles (unlikely of course), slices, strips? If one of the latter two, how wide? Then there’s the recent trend to specify Diamond Crystal salt. Why? It’s become hard to find in the DC area. And what is “good” olive oil? Should I avoid olive oil labeled “bad?” And recipe times that ignore time needed to prepare ingredients.


This was delicious. I used boneless skinless chicken breast, cause that’s what I had on hand, and Let it marinate a little longer in the sherry/honey/oil mix. Mixed together with noodles, and broccoli (that I just cooked with the noodles) it was delicious and filling, and saves nicely for left overs. Look forward to making again.


Watch the onions carefully in the beginning. I got distracted during the first 2-4 minutes of cooking and they burned. Had to toss and start over. Also, this recipe works very well with extra firm tofu.

melanie m

So good! I doubled the marinade and cooked the chicken pieces whole (boneless skinless thighs) - result was very rich and tender chicken with mushrooms and onion. Served with buttered pasta - yum!


Resisting the tempatation to add fat to the caramelizing onions was a challenge, but, it worked. Too much oil and salt for me and last stage of carmelizing onions totally unnecesary. I'd also reduce the size of the chicken pieces to reduce cooking time. Agree: more onions and mushrooms (or conversely less chicken). Rice wine vinegar subbed in for sherry vinegar and it worked just fine.


This turned out absolutely delicious. The mushrooms absorbed the honey/vinegar marinade taste so they’re like little bursts of flavor especially when paired with pasta or rice. I used bone in chicken thighs because I find they always turn out tastier and juicier. Do not forget the parsley! I didn’t use the cheese since it’s never my preference.


Onions in a dry pan - wild, but it worked!Next time will def 2x the onions and mushrooms.


Doubled the marinade recipe and added extra onions per suggestions here but didn’t have enough mushrooms to double. I thought it was too sweet. I also found it weird that the onions never caramelized which I think would’ve helped it lots. I think sherry would be better than the vinegar too.

Neel Singh

Had to make a few substitutions as I didn't have vinegar on hand but tastes just as delicious with soy sauce and lemon juice! Gives it a bit of an Asian kick to it, would make again!

Fabulous and fast.

Made it exactly and while good it lacked a compelling flavor. Will try the balsamic at the end idea next time. Oh I did double the marinade and added the extra at the near end. Perfect over egg noodles.


Add spinach


Served over rice pilaf—delish! However…way too salty! I’d refrain from salting chicken before placing in marinade. I’d also skip the last bit of olive oil and substitute with 1/4 C white white to deglaze onions/mushrooms. Finally, I’d add garlic to marinade.

Used balsamic, made it a sandwich!

I couldn’t find sherry so I used balsamic and ended up with a masterpiece. Added to the sweet carmelization and then put it between two slides of toasted ciabatta with spinach for a gourmet sandwich!!


I wasn’t sure this was going to come together but it certainly does. The onions and mushrooms become almost jammy and they create a tight sauce for the chicken. Winner, winner chicken dinner. Fast, easy and only a few ingredients. I discovered at the last minute that I didn’t have sherry vinegar so I subbed champagne vinegar. Probs would work with balsamic, too. Definitely a keeper.


Loved this dish. Doubled the marinade and increased the amount of onions and mushrooms as others suggested. Problem is that I nearly ruined a beautiful pan cooking the onions dry at such a high temp. My husband scolded me and forbids me to ever do that again to his beloved Viking enameled cast iron skillet. Insights?

A B Church

Wonderful dish, lots of options, no wrong answers.BUT—No need to ruin expensive cookware caramelizing dry onions on such high heat just to save time. Medium high generally suggests temps of 400° or more. Bad move. Keep your pan closer to 350° and you’ll get great results, enjoy much easier cleanup, and extend the life of your skillet.


Turned out pretty well although I was rushing and doubled the chicken and forgot to double the mushrooms/onions. The sherry vinegar at the end is crucial; I also topped with both Parmesan and some Swiss cheese that we had on hand. Served over egg noodles.


Tasty but not a light dish. Recommend reducing the added oil at the end, and be careful not to add a teaspoon of *table* salt to the marinade, because the recipe calls for *kosher* salt! I used kosher, salt but it still came out too salty, maybe because my kosher salt wasn’t coarse enough… I’d cut the marinade salt in half next time.


Very tasty and easy!


Awesome exactly as written. Like others have said, don't bother fussing with a mandoline for the onions or mushrooms—thinly-sliced by hand is fully sufficient and likely more desirable here. We served over mixed greens dressed with lemon juice and it was a great contrast to the richness of the onions and mushrooms.


When I give this recipe a “meh” rating do keep in mind I had to make few substitutions ( breast instead of thigh, rice vinegar instead of sherry vinegar and regular mushrooms). In the end, this was a decent but underwhelming final product. My family ate it all up but I’ll probably not make this one again.

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Skillet Chicken With Mushrooms and Caramelized Onions Recipe (2024)
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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.