r/Non Credible Defense (OOB Thread)) (2024)

Total Military Size: $125,000

**1x Capital Task Force
**2x Mobile Task Force
**6x Main Battle Army
**4x HUSAR Corp
**1x Invasion Group
**13x Naval Flotilla
**1x Advanced Piloting Instruction Center (APIC)
**1x Kyodai-Armas HUSAR Development Division (KAHDD)
**1x Kyodai-Armas Industrial Conglomerate (KAIC)
**1x Ministerio de Defensa Estrategica
**4x Jewel Garrison

**2x Jewel Garrison
**1x Main Battle Army
**1x Capital Task Force
**1x Fast Squadron
**1x HUSAR Corp

**2x Colonial Garrison
**1x Colonial Picket Force

**1x Colonial Garrison
**1x Colonial Picket Force
**1x Colonial Battle Army
**6x Naval Flotilla
**1x HUSAR Corp

**1x Colonial Garrison
**1x Colonial Picket Force
**1x Colonial Battle Army
**1x HUSAR Corp

**1x Smok Capitals
**1x Raid Group
**1x Stealth Forces
**2x Colonial Garrison

**2x Colonial Garrison (-5x [Brigada de Guarnición Espacial] Garrison ([Militia], [Infantry], [Engineers], [GTO], [Hostile]))
**1x Colonial Picket Force
**1x Fast Squadron

[Deneb Algedi]
1x Mobile Task Force

[Superflous Duchy]
**1x Exploration
**1x Mobile Task Force
**1x Colonial Picket Force
5x [Brigada de Guarnición Espacial] Garrison ([Militia], [Infantry], [Engineers], [GTO], [Hostile])


[Capital Task Force] - [SUPPLY: 2440]
2x [CVA Castilla-Class] Supercarrier Battle Group ([Carrier], *[HUSAR Hangars], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Active], [Bulwark], [Standoff], [Scan])
2x [BB Grau-Class] Battleship Division ([Battleship], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Brawl], [Active], [Bulwark])
2x [CA - Mariño] Heavy Cruiser Squadron ([Cruiser], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Bulwark], [Active], [Brawl], [Standoff])
6x [FF - Bermudez] Large Escort Squadron ([Escort], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Torp], [Active], [Standoff])
1x [SS - Medio] Medium Support Flotilla ([Support], [Stealth])
14x [Destructor-HUSAR] *Gen 1 HUSAR ([HUSAR], [Armored], [Air Superiority], [Void], [Hostile], [GTO], [Air Superiority], [Air Support])

[Mobile Task Force] - [SUPPLY: 2190]
4x [CV - Francia] Carrier Battle Group ([Carrier], *[HUSAR Hangars], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Active], [Scan], [Standoff])
4x [CA - Mariño] Heavy Cruiser Squadron ([Cruiser], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Bulwark], [Active], [Brawl], [Standoff])
9x [FF - Bermudez] Large Escort Squadron ([Escort], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Torp], [Active], [Standoff])
1x [SS - Medio] Medium Support Flotilla ([Support], [Stealth])
21x [Destructor-HUSAR] *Gen 1 HUSAR ([HUSAR], [Armored], [Air Superiority], [Void], [Hostile], [GTO], [Air Superiority], [Air Support])

[Colonial Picket Force] - [SUPPLY: 530]
2x [CVL - Barrios] Light Carrier Flotilla ([Carrier], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Scan], [Fast])
2x [CA - Castro] Cruiser Picket ([Cruiser], [Solo], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Brawl], [Fast])
4x [FF - Duarte] Large Escort Squadron ([Escort], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Active], [Fast], [Torp])
1x [SS - Ligero] Light Support Flotilla ([Support], [Stealth])
10x [Destructor-HUSAR] *Gen 1 HUSAR ([HUSAR], [Armored], [Air Superiority], [Void], [Hostile], [GTO], [Air Superiority], [Air Support])

[Stealth Forces] - [SUPPLY: 540]
2x [CVL Rojas-Class] Light Carrier Flotilla ([Carrier], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Stealth], [Fast])
4x [FF - Portales] Large Escort Squadron ([Escort], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Stealth], [Fast], [Marines])
4x [DD - Escamilla] Small Escort Flotilla ([Escort], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Stealth], [Fast])
1x [SS - Ligero] Light Support Flotilla ([Support], [Stealth])
12x [Destructor-HUSAR] *Gen 1 HUSAR ([HUSAR], [Armored], [Air Superiority], [Void], [Hostile], [GTO], [Air Superiority], [Air Support])

[Exploration] - [SUPPLY: 2325]
1x [CVA - Auachumbi] Supercarrier Battle Group ([Carrier], *[HUSAR Hangars], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Expeditionary], [Marines], [Active], [Scan])
2x [BC - Humboldt] Battlecruiser Squadron ([Cruiser], [Solo], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Expeditionary], [Brawl], [Scan])
4x [CA - Paunero] Cruiser Picket ([Cruiser], [Solo], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Expeditionary], [Marines])
3x [FF - Bermudez] Large Escort Squadron ([Escort], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Torp], [Active], [Standoff])
1x [MAG - Miranda] Marine Assault Group ([Interface], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Bulwark], [Littoral], [Fighters])
2x [Brigada Mecanizada] Mech/Air Mobile Brigade ([Mechanized], [Recon], [Artillery], [Air Superiority])
1x [Brigada Exploracion] Spaceborne Infantry ([Hostile], [Void], [Infantry], [Recon], [Engineers], [Air Support])
7x [SS - Medio] Medium Support Flotilla ([Support], [Stealth])
14x [Destructor-HUSAR] *Gen 1 HUSAR ([HUSAR], [Armored], [Air Superiority], [Void], [Hostile], [GTO], [Air Superiority], [Air Support])

[Invasion Group] - [SUPPLY: 1890]
3x [ODG - Felipe] Orbital Dominance Group ([Battleship], [Interface], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Bulwark], [Bulwark], [Brawl], [Littoral], [Active])
3x [CVL - Belgrano] Light Carrier Flotilla ([Carrier], *[HUSAR Hangars], *[HUSAR Hangars], *[HUSAR Hangars])
3x [FF - Obes] Large Escort Squadron ([Escort], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Marines], [Active], [Littoral])
9x [Brigada Mecanizada Espacial] Mech/Air Mobile Brigade ([Mechanized], [Hostile], [Artillery], [Air Support])
9x [Brigada Colonial] Spaceborne Infantry ([Hostile], [Void], [Infantry], [Air Support], [Air Superiority], [Engineers])
12x [Centurion-HUSAR] *Gen 1 HUSAR ([HUSAR], [Armored], [Air Superiority], [Void], [Hostile], [Recon], [Artillery], [Engineers])
12x [Condor-HUSAR] *Gen 1 HUSAR ([HUSAR], [Armored], [Air Superiority], [Void], [Hostile], [Air Superiority], [Air Support], [Air Support])

[Raid Group] - [SUPPLY: 1390]
1x [BC - Mitre Class] Battlecruiser Squadron ([Cruiser], [Solo], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Fast], [Scan], [Brawl])
2x [CA - Solano] Cruiser Picket ([Cruiser], [Solo], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Fast], [Active])
3x [MAG - Miranda] Marine Assault Group ([Interface], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Bulwark], [Littoral], [Fighters])
4x [FF - Bermudez] Large Escort Squadron ([Escort], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Torp], [Active], [Standoff])
6x [Brigada Mecanizada Espacial] Mech/Air Mobile Brigade ([Mechanized], [Hostile], [Artillery], [Air Support])
3x [Brigada Colonial] Spaceborne Infantry ([Hostile], [Void], [Infantry], [Air Support], [Air Superiority], [Engineers])
1x [CVL - Belgrano] Light Carrier Flotilla ([Carrier], *[HUSAR Hangars], *[HUSAR Hangars], *[HUSAR Hangars])
8x [Condor-HUSAR] *Gen 1 HUSAR ([HUSAR], [Armored], [Air Superiority], [Void], [Hostile], [Air Superiority], [Air Support], [Air Support])
8x [Centurion-HUSAR] *Gen 1 HUSAR ([HUSAR], [Armored], [Air Superiority], [Void], [Hostile], [Recon], [Artillery], [Engineers])

[Fast Squadron] - [SUPPLY: 780]
2x [BC - Mitre Class] Battlecruiser Squadron ([Cruiser], [Solo], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Fast], [Scan], [Brawl])
2x [CA - Solano] Cruiser Picket ([Cruiser], [Solo], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Fast], [Active])
1x [CV - Rappira] Carrier Battle Group ([Carrier], *[HUSAR Hangars], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Fast], [Bulwark], [Brawl])
8x [Destructor-HUSAR] *Gen 1 HUSAR ([HUSAR], [Armored], [Air Superiority], [Void], [Hostile], [GTO], [Air Superiority], [Air Support])

[Jewel Garrison] - [SUPPLY: 1220]
1x [Fortaleza Espacial] Battlestation ([Orbital])
2x [Base Aerea] Air Defense Base ([Ground], [Carrier])
4x [Vigilante-HUSAR] *Gen 1 HUSAR ([HUSAR], [Armored], [Air Superiority], [Void], [Hostile], [Recon], [Air Support], [GTO])
4x [Fortificaciones] Ground Fortifications ([Ground])
4x [Cañones de Defensa] Ground Defense Batteries ([Ground], [GTO])
4x [Plataforma Orbitales] Orbital Weapons Platforms ([Orbital])
20x [Brigada de Guarnición] Garrison ([Militia], [Infantry], [Air Defense], [GTO], [Engineers])

[Smok Capitals] - [SUPPLY: 1250]
1x [CVA Castilla-Class] Supercarrier Battle Group ([Carrier], *[HUSAR Hangars], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Active], [Bulwark], [Standoff], [Scan])
2x [BB Grau-Class] Battleship Division ([Battleship], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Brawl], [Active], [Bulwark])
4x [Destructor-HUSAR] *Gen 1 HUSAR ([HUSAR], [Armored], [Air Superiority], [Void], [Hostile], [GTO], [Air Superiority], [Air Support])
1x [SS - Ligero] Light Support Flotilla ([Support], [Stealth])

[Naval Flotilla] - [SUPPLY: 120]
2x [Flotilla Naval] Naval Flotilla ([Aquatic], [Artillery], [Air Defense], [Hostile])
1x [Flota Submarina] Submarine Flotilla ([Aquatic], [Artillery], [Air Defense], [Hostile])

[HUSAR Corp] - [SUPPLY: 340]
2x [Base Aerea] Air Defense Base ([Ground], [Carrier])
2x [Centurion-HUSAR] *Gen 1 HUSAR ([HUSAR], [Armored], [Air Superiority], [Void], [Hostile], [Recon], [Artillery], [Engineers])
2x [Condor-HUSAR] *Gen 1 HUSAR ([HUSAR], [Armored], [Air Superiority], [Void], [Hostile], [Air Superiority], [Air Support], [Air Support])

[Main Battle Army] - [SUPPLY: 240]
3x [Brigada Acorazada] *Hover Armor Regiment ([Armored], [Hover], [Recon], [Artillery], [Air Support])
6x [Brigada Mecanizada] Mech/Air Mobile Brigade ([Mechanized], [Recon], [Artillery], [Air Superiority])
9x [Brigada de Rifles] Infantry Brigade ([Infantry], [Recon], [Logi], [Engineers])

[Colonial Battle Army] - [SUPPLY: 180]
6x [Brigada Mecanizada Espacial] Mech/Air Mobile Brigade ([Mechanized], [Hostile], [Artillery], [Air Support])
9x [Brigada Colonial] Spaceborne Infantry ([Hostile], [Void], [Infantry], [Air Support], [Air Superiority], [Engineers])

[Colonial Garrison] - [SUPPLY: 510]
2x [Fortificaciones] Ground Fortifications ([Ground])
2x [Cañones de Defensa] Ground Defense Batteries ([Ground], [GTO])
2x [Plataforma Orbitales] Orbital Weapons Platforms ([Orbital])
10x [Brigada de Guarnición Espacial] Garrison ([Militia], [Infantry], [Engineers], [GTO], [Hostile])
5x [Brigada Colonial] Spaceborne Infantry ([Hostile], [Void], [Infantry], [Air Support], [Air Superiority], [Engineers])
1x [Base Aerea] Air Defense Base ([Ground], [Carrier])
2x [Colonial-HUSAR] *Gen 1 HUSAR ([HUSAR], [Armored], [Air Superiority], [Void], [Hostile], [GTO], [Engineers], [Artillery])

[Ministerio de Defensa Estrategica] - [SUPPLY: 195]
2x [Fuerza Espacial] Espatier ([Void], [Boarding], [Infantry], [Recon], [Air Support], [Engineers])
2x [Fuerza de Marina] Marine Landing Force ([Hostile], [Infantry], [Recon], [Air Support], [Engineers])
1x [Destructor-HUSAR] *Gen 1 HUSAR ([HUSAR], [Armored], [Air Superiority], [Void], [Hostile], [GTO], [Air Superiority], [Air Support])
1x [Base Aerea] Air Defense Base ([Ground], [Carrier])

[Kyodai-Armas HUSAR Development Division (KAHDD)] - [SUPPLY: 215]
1x [Base Aerea] Air Defense Base ([Ground], [Carrier])
1x [CVL Rojas-Class] Light Carrier Flotilla ([Carrier], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Stealth], [Fast])
1x [Destructor-HUSAR] *Gen 1 HUSAR ([HUSAR], [Armored], [Air Superiority], [Void], [Hostile], [GTO], [Air Superiority], [Air Support])
1x [Fuerza Espacial] Espatier ([Void], [Boarding], [Infantry], [Recon], [Air Support], [Engineers])

[Advanced Piloting Instruction Center (APIC)] - [SUPPLY: 220]
1x [Base Aerea] Air Defense Base ([Ground], [Carrier])
2x [Destructor-HUSAR] *Gen 1 HUSAR ([HUSAR], [Armored], [Air Superiority], [Void], [Hostile], [GTO], [Air Superiority], [Air Support])
1x [CVL Rojas-Class] Light Carrier Flotilla ([Carrier], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Stealth], [Fast])

[Kyodai-Armas Industrial Conglomerate (KAIC)] - [SUPPLY: 75]
2x [Destructor-HUSAR] *Gen 1 HUSAR ([HUSAR], [Armored], [Air Superiority], [Void], [Hostile], [GTO], [Air Superiority], [Air Support])
1x [FF - Portales] Large Escort Squadron ([Escort], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Stealth], [Fast], [Marines])
1x [Fuerza Espacial] Espatier ([Void], [Boarding], [Infantry], [Recon], [Air Support], [Engineers])

Military Designs:

Capital Units:
[CVA Castilla-Class] Supercarrier Battle Group ([Carrier], *[HUSAR Hangars], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Active], [Bulwark], [Standoff], [Scan])
[BB Grau-Class] Battleship Division ([Battleship], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Brawl], [Active], [Bulwark])

Raider Units:
[BC - Mitre Class] Battlecruiser Squadron ([Cruiser], [Solo], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Fast], [Scan], [Brawl])
[CA - Solano] Cruiser Picket ([Cruiser], [Solo], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Fast], [Active])
[CV - Rappira] Carrier Battle Group ([Carrier], *[HUSAR Hangars], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Fast], [Bulwark], [Brawl])

Exploration Units:
[CVA - Auachumbi] Supercarrier Battle Group ([Carrier], *[HUSAR Hangars], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Expeditionary], [Marines], [Active], [Scan])
[BC - Humboldt] Battlecruiser Squadron ([Cruiser], [Solo], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Expeditionary], [Brawl], [Scan])
[CA - Paunero] Cruiser Picket ([Cruiser], [Solo], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Expeditionary], [Marines])

Assault Units:
[MAG - Miranda] Marine Assault Group ([Interface], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Bulwark], [Littoral], [Fighters])
[CVL - Belgrano] Light Carrier Flotilla ([Carrier], *[HUSAR Hangars], *[HUSAR Hangars], *[HUSAR Hangars])
[FF - Obes] Large Escort Squadron ([Escort], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Marines], [Active], [Littoral])
[ODG - Felipe] Orbital Dominance Group ([Battleship], [Interface], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Bulwark], [Bulwark], [Brawl], [Littoral], [Active])

Mobile Fleet Units:
[CV - Francia] Carrier Battle Group ([Carrier], *[HUSAR Hangars], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Active], [Scan], [Standoff])
[CA - Mariño] Heavy Cruiser Squadron ([Cruiser], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Bulwark], [Active], [Brawl], [Standoff])
[FF - Bermudez] Large Escort Squadron ([Escort], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Torp], [Active], [Standoff])

Screen Units:
[CVL - Barrios] Light Carrier Flotilla ([Carrier], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Scan], [Fast])
[CA - Castro] Cruiser Picket ([Cruiser], [Solo], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Brawl], [Fast])
[FF - Duarte] Large Escort Squadron ([Escort], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Active], [Fast], [Torp])

Stealth Units:
[CVL Rojas-Class] Light Carrier Flotilla ([Carrier], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Stealth], [Fast])
[FF - Portales] Large Escort Squadron ([Escort], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Stealth], [Fast], [Marines])
[DD - Escamilla] Small Escort Flotilla ([Escort], *[HUSAR Hangars], [Stealth], [Fast])
Supply Units:
[SS - Medio] Medium Support Flotilla ([Support], [Stealth])
[SS - Ligero] Light Support Flotilla ([Support], [Stealth])

HUSAR Units:
[Centurion-HUSAR] *Gen 1 HUSAR ([HUSAR], [Armored], [Air Superiority], [Void], [Hostile], [Recon], [Artillery], [Engineers])
[Condor-HUSAR] *Gen 1 HUSAR ([HUSAR], [Armored], [Air Superiority], [Void], [Hostile], [Air Superiority], [Air Support], [Air Support])
[Vigilante-HUSAR] *Gen 1 HUSAR ([HUSAR], [Armored], [Air Superiority], [Void], [Hostile], [Recon], [Air Support], [GTO])
[Destructor-HUSAR] *Gen 1 HUSAR ([HUSAR], [Armored], [Air Superiority], [Void], [Hostile], [GTO], [Air Superiority], [Air Support])
[Colonial-HUSAR] *Gen 1 HUSAR ([HUSAR], [Armored], [Air Superiority], [Void], [Hostile], [GTO], [Engineers], [Artillery])

Terran Units:
[Brigada Acorazada] Armored Brigade ([Armored], [Recon], [Artillery], [Air Support])
[Brigada Mecanizada] Mech/Air Mobile Brigade ([Mechanized], [Recon], [Artillery], [Air Superiority])
[Brigada de Rifles] Infantry Brigade ([Infantry], [Recon], [Logi], [Engineers])
[Brigada de Guarnición] Garrison ([Militia], [Infantry], [Air Defense], [GTO], [Engineers])

Colonial units:
[Brigada de Guarnición Espacial] Garrison ([Militia], [Infantry], [Engineers], [GTO], [Hostile])
[Brigada Mecanizada Espacial] Mech/Air Mobile Brigade ([Mechanized], [Hostile], [Artillery], [Air Support])
[Brigada Colonial] Spaceborne Infantry ([Hostile], [Void], [Infantry], [Air Support], [Air Superiority], [Engineers])
[Fuerza Espacial] Espatier ([Void], [Boarding], [Infantry], [Recon], [Air Support], [Engineers])
[Fuerza de Marina] Marine Landing Force ([Hostile], [Infantry], [Recon], [Air Support], [Engineers])
[Brigada Exploracion] Spaceborne Infantry ([Hostile], [Void], [Infantry], [Recon], [Engineers], [Air Support])

Naval Units:
[Flotilla Naval] Naval Flotilla ([Aquatic], [Artillery], [Air Defense], [Hostile])
[Flota Submarina] Submarine Flotilla ([Aquatic], [Artillery], [Air Defense], [Hostile])

Fortification Units:
[Fortaleza Espacial] Battlestation ([Orbital])
[Base Aerea] Air Defense Base ([Ground], [Carrier])
[Fortificaciones] Ground Fortifications ([Ground])
[Cañones de Defensa] Ground Defense Batteries ([Ground], [GTO])
[Plataforma Orbitales] Orbital Weapons Platforms ([Orbital])

r/Non Credible Defense (OOB Thread)) (2024)
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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.