Migas Rondeñas (Ronda-style breadcrumbs) - What to eat in... (2024)

Migas is a simple, flavorful dish that you can find all over Andalusia. They always have a hard bread, garlic and olive oil base. Nonetheless, every area adds an ingredient to make it their own. In Málaga province, the individual touch is chorizo, one of the most typical cured meats in the Serranía de Ronda.

People used to eat it every day during times of hardship due to the low cost of its ingredients. Today it’s part of the menus of local festivals and in the restaurants and bars all over Málaga province.

Preparation recipe


30 Minutes


Recetas de carne


  • 1 kg. of homemade bread
  • ½ cup of olive oil
  • 4 chorizos
  • 1 head of large garlic
  • Salt


Migas is a simple, flavorful dish that you can find all over Andalusia. They always have a hard bread, garlic and olive oil base. Nonetheless, every area adds an ingredient to make it their own. In Málaga province, the individual touch is chorizo, one of the most typical cured meats in the Serranía de Ronda.

People used to eat it every day during times of hardship due to the low cost of its ingredients. Today it’s part of the menus of local festivals and in the restaurants and bars all over Málaga province.

Step by step

1. To chop the bread the night before, moisten it and keep it in a container cover with a tea towel until it’s time to prepare them.

2. Heat the oil and fry the chopped garlic and chorizo. When ready, stir and store on a plate.

3. In the same frying pan, toast the bread while stirring until the crumbs are dry and loose.

4. Add the previously-fried chorizo and garlic before removing from the heat. Serve hot.

Migas Rondeñas (Ronda-style breadcrumbs) - What to eat in... (2024)
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