How to Solve Venn Diagrams with 3 Circles – (2024)

Venn Diagrams with 3 Circles: Video Lesson

What is the Purpose of Venn Diagrams?

A Venn diagram is a type of graphical organizer which can be used to display similarities and differences between two or more sets. Circles are used to represent each set and any properties in common to both sets will be written in the overlap of the circles. Any property unique to a particular set is written in that circle alone.

For example, here is a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting dogs and cats.

How to Solve Venn Diagrams with 3 Circles – (1)

The Venn diagram shows the following information:

Only dogs:

  • Bark
  • Need walks
  • Have non-retractable claws
  • Have round pupils

Only cats:

  • Meow
  • Roam the street
  • Have retractable claws
  • Have slit pupils

Both dogs and cats:

  • Have fur
  • Have claws
  • Can be pets
  • Eat meat
  • Have tails
  • Have 4 legs

A Venn diagram with three circles is called a triple Venn diagram.

A Venn diagram with three circles is used to compare and contract three categories. Each circle represents a different category with the overlapping regions used to represent properties that are shared between the three categories.

For example, a triple Venn diagram with 3 circles is used to compare dogs, cats and birds.

How to Solve Venn Diagrams with 3 Circles – (2)

The Venn diagram shows the following information:

Dogs, cats and birds can all have claws and can also be pets.

Only dogs:

  • Bark
  • Like water

Only cats:

  • Meow
  • Have retractable claws

Only birds:

  • Have wings
  • Have a beak
  • Have 2 legs

Only both dogs and cats:

  • Have tails
  • Have fur
  • Have 4 legs

Only both dogs and birds:

  • Have non-retractable claws

How to Make a Venn Diagram with 3 Circles

To make a Venn diagram with 3 circles:

  1. Write the number of items belonging to all three sets in the central overlapping region.
  2. Write the remaining number of items belonging each pair of the sets in their overlapping regions.
  3. Write the remaining number of items belonging to each individual set in the non-overlapping region of each circle.

Example 1:

Make a Venn Diagram for the following situation:

30 students were asked which sports they play.

  • 20 play basketball in total
  • 16 play football in total
  • 15 play tennis in total
  • 10 play basketball and tennis
  • 11 play basketball and football
  • 9 play football and tennis
  • 7 play all three
How to Solve Venn Diagrams with 3 Circles – (3)
  1. Write the number of items belonging to all three sets in the central overlapping region

When making a Venn diagram, it is important to complete any overlapping regions first.

In this example, we start with the students that play all three sports. 7 students play all three sports.

The number 7 is placed in the overlap of all 3 circles. The shaded region shown is the overlapping area of all three circles.

How to Solve Venn Diagrams with 3 Circles – (4)

2. Write the remaining number of items belonging each pair of the sets in their overlapping regions

There are 3 regions in which exactly two circles overlap.

There is the overlap of basketball and tennis, basketball and football and then tennis and football.

There are 10 students that play both basketball and tennis. The overlapping region of these two circles is shown below. We already have the 7 students that play all three sports in this region.

Therefore we only need 3 more students who play basketball and tennis but do not play football to make the total of this region add up to 10.

How to Solve Venn Diagrams with 3 Circles – (5)

The next overlapping region of two circles is those that play basketball and football. There are 11 students in total that play both.

The overlapping region of the basketball and football circles is shown below.

There are already 7 students who play all three sports and so, a further 4 students must play both basketball and football but not tennis in order to make the total in this shaded region add up to 11 students.

How to Solve Venn Diagrams with 3 Circles – (6)

The next overlapping region of two circles is those that play football and tennis. There are 9 students in total that play both.

The overlapping region of the football and tennis circles is shown below.

There are already 7 students who play all three sports and so, a further 2 students must play both football and tennis but not basketball in order to make the total in this shaded region add up to 9 students.

How to Solve Venn Diagrams with 3 Circles – (7)

Write the remaining number of items belonging to each individual set in the non-overlapping region of each circle

There are three individual sets which are represented by the three circles. There are those that play basketball, football and tennis.

20 students play basketball in total. These 20 students are shown by the shaded circle below.

We already have 3, 7 and 4 students in the overlapping regions. This is a total of 14 students so far. We need a further 6 students who only play basketball in order for the numbers in this circle to make a total of 20.

How to Solve Venn Diagrams with 3 Circles – (8)

The next individual sport is football. 16 students play football in total.

There are already 4, 7 and 2 students in the overlapping regions. This makes a total of 13 students so far.

3 more students are required to make the circle total up to 16. 3 students play only football and not basketball and tennis.

How to Solve Venn Diagrams with 3 Circles – (9)

Finally, there are 15 students who play tennis shown by the shaded region below.

There are already 3, 7 and 2 students in the overlapping regions, making a total of 12 students.

A further 3 students are required to make the total of 15 students in this circle.

3 students play tennis but not basketball or football.

How to Solve Venn Diagrams with 3 Circles – (10)

The values in each circle sum to 28 students.

That is 6 + 4 + 3 + 7 + 3 + 2 + 3 = 28.

Since there are 30 students who were asked in total, a further 2 students must play none of these three sports.

How to Solve a Venn Diagram with 3 Circles

To solve a Venn diagram with 3 circles, start by entering the number of items in common to all three sets of data. Then enter the remaining number of items in the overlapping region of each pair of sets. Enter the remaining number of items in each individual set. Finally, use any known totals to find missing numbers.

Venn diagrams are particularly useful for solving word problems in which a list of information is given about different categories. Numbers are placed in each region representing each statement.

Example 1:

100 people were asked which pets they have.

  • 32 people in total have a cat
  • 18 people in total have a rabbit
  • 10 people have just a dog and a rabbit
  • 21 people have just a dog and a cat
  • 7 people have just a cat and a rabbit
  • 3 people own all three pets

How many people just have a dog?

How to Solve Venn Diagrams with 3 Circles – (11)

Start by entering the number of items in common to all three sets of data

3 people own all three pets and so, a number 3 is written in the overlapping region of all three circles.

How to Solve Venn Diagrams with 3 Circles – (12)

Then enter the remaining number of items in the overlapping region of each pair of sets

10 people have just a dog and a rabbit.

Since 3 people are already in this region, 7 more people are needed.

How to Solve Venn Diagrams with 3 Circles – (13)

21 people have just a dog and a cat.

Since 3 people are already in this region, 18 more people are needed.

How to Solve Venn Diagrams with 3 Circles – (14)

7 people have just a cat and a rabbit.

Since 3 people are already in this region, 4 more people are needed.

How to Solve Venn Diagrams with 3 Circles – (15)

Enter the remaining number of items in each individual set

32 people in total have a cat.

There are already 18 + 3 + 4 = 25 people in this circle.

Therefore a further 7 people are needed in this circle to make 32.

7 people just own a cat and no other pet.

How to Solve Venn Diagrams with 3 Circles – (16)

18 people in total have a rabbit.

There are already 7 + 3 + 4 = 14 people in this circle.

Therefore a further 4 people are needed in this circle to make 18.

4 people just own a rabbit and no other pet.

How to Solve Venn Diagrams with 3 Circles – (17)

Finally, use any known totals to find missing numbers

We are now told that 25 people own none of these pets. This means that a 25 is written outside of all of the circles but still within the Venn diagram.

How to Solve Venn Diagrams with 3 Circles – (18)

The question requires the number of people who just own a dog.

There are 100 people in total and so, all of the numbers in the complete Venn diagram must add up to 100.

How to Solve Venn Diagrams with 3 Circles – (19)

Adding the numbers so far, 3 + 7 + 4 + 18 + 4 + 7 + 25 = 68 people in total.

Since the numbers must add to 100, there must be a further 32 people who own a dog.

Now all of the numbers in the Venn diagram add to 100.

How to Solve Venn Diagrams with 3 Circles – (20)

Venn Diagram with 3 Circles Template

Here is a downloadable template for a blank Venn Diagram with 3 circles.

Venn Diagram with 3 Circles TemplateDownload

How to Shade a Venn Diagram with 3 Circles

Here are some examples of shading Venn diagrams with 3 sets:

Shaded Region: A

How to Solve Venn Diagrams with 3 Circles – (21)

Shaded Region: B

How to Solve Venn Diagrams with 3 Circles – (22)

Shaded Region: C

How to Solve Venn Diagrams with 3 Circles – (23)

Shaded Region: A∪B

How to Solve Venn Diagrams with 3 Circles – (24)

Shaded Region: B∪C

How to Solve Venn Diagrams with 3 Circles – (25)

Shaded Region: A∪C

How to Solve Venn Diagrams with 3 Circles – (26)

Shaded Region: A∩B

How to Solve Venn Diagrams with 3 Circles – (27)

Shaded Region: B∩C

How to Solve Venn Diagrams with 3 Circles – (28)

Shaded Region: A∩C

How to Solve Venn Diagrams with 3 Circles – (29)

Shaded Region: A∪B∪C

How to Solve Venn Diagrams with 3 Circles – (30)

Shaded Region: A∩B∩C

How to Solve Venn Diagrams with 3 Circles – (31)

Shaded Region: (A∩B)∪(A∩C)

How to Solve Venn Diagrams with 3 Circles – (32)
How to Solve Venn Diagrams with 3 Circles – (2024)


How to solve Venn diagram with 3 circles calculator? ›

To solve a Venn diagram with 3 circles, start by entering the number of items in common to all three sets of data. Then enter the remaining number of items in the overlapping region of each pair of sets. Enter the remaining number of items in each individual set. Finally, use any known totals to find missing numbers.

What is the formula for the 3 set Venn diagram? ›


(3) If there are three sets: n(A∪B∪C) = n(A) + n(B) + n(C) – n(A∩B) – n(B∩C) – n(C∩A) + n(A∩B∩C).

How to solve a 3 set problem? ›

There are two basic formulas that we already know: 1) Total = n(No Set) + n(Exactly one set) + n(Exactly two sets) + n(Exactly three sets) 2) Total = n(A) + n(B) + n(C) – n(A and B) – n(B and C) – n(C and A) + n(A and B and C) + n(No Set) From these two formulas, we can derive all others.

What is the triple Venn diagram rule? ›

A Venn diagram uses overlapping circles to show how different sets are related to each other. In a three circle Venn diagram, three different sets of information are able to be compared, and it is where all three circles intersect that you are able to find the items that share all of the characteristics of each circle.

What is the formula for solving a Venn diagram? ›

Some basic Venn Diagram formula of 2 or 3 elements are discussed below:
  • n ( X ∪Y) = n (X) + n(Y) - n( X ∩ Y)
  • n ( X ∪ Y ∪ Z) = n(X) + n(Y) + n(Z) - n( X ∩ Y) - n( Y ∩ Z) - n ( Z ∩ X ) + n( X ∩ Y ∩ Z)

How do you solve a Venn diagram easily? ›

How to Solve Logical Venn Diagram Reasoning Questions– Know all Tips and Tricks
  1. Tip # 1: n (A ∪ B) = n (A) + n (B) this set are disjoint.
  2. Tip # 2: n (A ∪ B) = n (A) + n (B) – n ⋅ (A ∩ B)
  3. Tip # 3: n (A ∩ B) = Φ then n (A ∪ B) = n (A) + n (B)
  4. Tip # 4: n (A ∪ B ∪ C) = n (A) + n(B) + n(C) – n (A ∩ B) – n (A ∩ C) – n (B ∩ C)
Jan 3, 2024

How do you find the intersection of a 3 way Venn diagram? ›

The intersection of three sets is the set of all elements that are common to the three set. Suppose X, Y and Z are three sets, then the intersection of these three sets can be represented as X ∩ Y ∩ Z. Solution: We find that X ∩ Y ∩ Z = {1, 5, 6} i.e. in all three X, Y and Z sets.

How many different ways can a Venn diagram with three circles be shaded? ›

A Venn diagram with three circles can be shaded in multiple ways. Here's how: Each circle of the Venn diagram can be shaded individually. This gives you 3 ways of shading.

What is a Venn diagram Grade 3? ›

Venn diagrams are diagrams used to visually depict sets, relationships between sets, and operations on sets. The Venn diagram shows the relationship among sets using circles and the area they cover concerning each other.

What is the intersection of three circles called? ›

If three circles mutually intersect in a single point, their point of intersection is the intersection of their pairwise radical lines, known as the radical center.

How do you draw a Venn diagram for three overlapping sets? ›

To illustrate three overlapping sets, we represent each set by a circle and draw the three circles overlapping with each other. Additionally, we could label each set as X , Y , X, Y, X,Y, and Z Z Z. We could also color each circle differently for better illustration.

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

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Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.