Commonly Asked Questions About Yogurt and Indian Cuisine (2024)

Most Western chefs use raw yogurt for sweets or beverages. Many Indian chefs use it as a souring agent to tenderize meat. It uses as a basis for softly textured curries. In India, people use it in sweets and to make homemade buttermilk.

What type of yogurt is usually used in Indian cooking?

Let’s get started to find more!

What Type of Yogurt do We Use in Indian Cooking?

Commonly, Indian people use yogurt in cooking. This type is called ‘Dahi,’ which uses Indian cuisine. It adds a creamy and light texture to the dishes without weighing them down. Further, it is a sourcing agent and helps tenderize the meat.
We make Dahi from curdled milk. It is sourer and thicker than yogurt. So, it is the perfect addition to curries and other savory dishes. At Little India of Denver, we add this type of yogurt to make curries tastier and more delicious.
Preparation: You can easily make dahi at home. For this, you need to add a small amount of vinegar or lemon juice to the milk. Allow it to sit until it thickens.

Why is Yogurt Added to Curry?

It’s common practice in India to add yogurt to Indian cooking. People add it to curry to balance the spices and lighten the dish. It can also make thick curry, a thin. Hence, it can really elevate the flavors of the dish.

Does It Thicken Curry?

It will not actually thicken the curry. It only adds a creamy texture to the curry. If you want to make your curry thicker, you will need to add some other ingredients like flour or coconut powder.

It is Best for Curry

It is one of the ideal ingredients you can use for a curry. Also, it helps to bring out all the other flavors in the dish.

The acidity of yogurt helps to balance out the spices in the curry. So, it makes curry more palatable for western audiences.
Can You Use Greek Yogurt Instead?

Greek yogurt is more acidic and tarter than dahi. You can use it in place of dahi, but it can make the curry too sour. However, you can add a bit more sugar or spice to balance out the flavors if you want to use Greek yogurt.
How is It Added to Curry?

Typically, it is added to curry near the end of cooking. It prevents curry from curdling.

Add the yogurt slowly and whisk it into the curry till it is fully incorporated. You should not let the curry boil once you have added it. It can cause the yogurt to curdle.
The Bottom Line

Yogurt adds a creamy and light texture to dishes, a common ingredient in Indian cooking. Visit Little India for the most authentic and the best Indian food in Denver. We make sure to cook every dish as heartily as we can. Our chefs infuse authentic Indian flavors through the use of spices.

We are the most recommended Indian restaurant in Denver. We have four locations: 330 E. 6Th Avenue, 2390 S. Downing St, 29th Avenue Central Park, and 32nd & Lowell Highland.

Visit us now!

Commonly Asked Questions About Yogurt and Indian Cuisine (2024)
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