Baking Science : Chewy or Crispy Cookies? - Ultimate Omnoms (2024)

Everyone has their own preferences on how their cookie should be. Chewy or crispy? Living in New Zealand, one of our national treasures is the beloved Cookie Time cookie, and I’ve grown up microwaving such palm-sized creations for the perfect melted cookie.

I have also grown up knocking my teeth on Griffins chocolate chippie cookies. The kind where you clamp the cookie between your molars and angle it to snap off a bite.

Whatever your idea of a perfect cookie is, understanding the science can help you develop your go-to recipe.

Baking Science : Chewy or Crispy Cookies? - Ultimate Omnoms (1)

Crispy cookies

Crispy cookies are actually easier to make. Soft cookies have a water concentration of 6% or higher – moisture being the variable in texture. To make cookies crispy, add less liquid or bake it in the oven for longer to dry out the dough.

Generally bake around 13-15min at 180C for a crispy cookie. But if you want a thoroughly crispy cookie – not those just charred on the outside – decrease the temperature to 140C and bake for 30min.

Chewy cookies

Sugar dissolved in baking forms a syrup as the dough heats up. Different types of sugars affect the texture because they absorb different amounts of water. Remember moisture is the key!

White sugar creates crispier cookies and brown sugar creates chewier cookies.

Baking Science : Chewy or Crispy Cookies? - Ultimate Omnoms (3)

Why use melted butter?

Melted butter creates cookies with a different texture compared to cookies made with softened or creamed butter. When butter is melted, it coats the flour more evenly, resulting in cookies that are chewier and denser. This can be desirable for certain types of cookies, like chocolate chip cookies or brownie-like cookies.

Extra tip

Chilling your cookie dough before baking prevents the cookie from spreading and creating cookie disasters like below. If you don’t have time or the self-control to wait overnight, pop them in the freezer.

Baking Science : Chewy or Crispy Cookies? - Ultimate Omnoms (4)

Put it to the test!

Try this matcha & white chocolate cookie recipe or this chewy cookie recipe to find your perfect mouthful of cookie.

Mochi cookies

These were a game-changer for me! It’s combining two of my loves – and all you need to make the mochi is a microwave. You can make them filled or unfilled depending on your tastes and preferences. You can create any flavour of mochi using freeze dried fruit powder.

Baking Science : Chewy or Crispy Cookies? - Ultimate Omnoms (5)

This mochi cookie recipe is my OG. And if you’re a lover of biscoff, you can take it to the next level with the biscoff mochi cookies.

Baking Science : Chewy or Crispy Cookies? - Ultimate Omnoms (6)

Beyond the chocolate chip cookie

If you’re looking for something beyond the classic chocolate chip, I loved developed the ube cookie. Thanks to the addition of ube halaya (ube jam) in the recipe, these cookies are perfectly fudgy and stay moist for days. In fact, the flavour develops and deepens, tasting even better after Day 1!

Baking Science : Chewy or Crispy Cookies? - Ultimate Omnoms (7)

Even more wild is the potato chip cookie. Potato chips, dark chocolate and cookie seems like an unlikely trio, but if you lovebothsweet and savoury snacks – this is THE recipe for you. It’s like a platter party in your mouth.

Baking Science : Chewy or Crispy Cookies? - Ultimate Omnoms (8)
Baking Science : Chewy or Crispy Cookies? - Ultimate Omnoms (2024)


What makes cookies crispy vs chewy? ›

How to Make Crispy Cookies. While brown sugar keeps your cookies moist and soft, white sugar and corn syrup will help your cookies spread and crisp in the oven. Using more white sugar in your cookies will result in a crispier end product. To achieve a crispy cookie, skip the rest in the fridge.

What is the secret to chewy cookies? ›

Cornstarch helps product soft and thick cookies. Using more brown sugar than white sugar results in a moister, softer cookie. An extra egg yolk increases chewiness. Rolling the cookie dough balls to be tall and lumpy instead of wide and smooth gives the cookies a bakery-style textured thickness.

How do you keep cookies crisp and chewy? ›

Keep cookies in a cool, dry area. Refrigerated: Use airtight containers or sealed plastic bags to store cookies in the fridge. Monitor the moisture level to avoid condensation.

Why are my cookies so crispy? ›

The temperature of your oven plays a huge role in the texture of your cookies! A lower oven temperature will give your cookies more time to spread before they start to rise, resulting in a crispier cookie. I recommend baking your cookies for a bit longer at a lower temperature to achieve the texture you're looking for.

How do I make my cookies chewy instead of crunchy? ›

How To Make Cookies Chewy Without Cornstarch
  1. Go heavy on brown sugar. It has more moisture than its granulated counterpart, which means the cookie comes out less crispy. ...
  2. Choose margarine or shortening instead of butter. ...
  3. Use baking powder instead of baking soda. ...
  4. Rest your dough. ...
  5. Shorten baking time.
May 14, 2023

What ingredient contributes most to the texture of a crisp cookie? ›

Fat is a very important ingredient in cookies – it tenderizes, crisps and browns, adds color and a wonderful flavor that is impossible to duplicate. Butter, our fat of choice, ensures good baking results and adds the most desirable taste, texture and appearance.

What factors cause a cookie to be crisp soft and chewy? ›

The ingredients you use and how you shape your cookies both play an important role in whether your cookies turn out crispy or chewy. The type of flour and sugar you use, if your cookie dough contains eggs, and whether you use melted or softened butter all factor into the crispy-chewy equation, too.

What makes a cookie chewy and not cakey? ›

White sugar creates crispier cookies and brown sugar creates chewier cookies. Why use melted butter? Melted butter creates cookies with a different texture compared to cookies made with softened or creamed butter. When butter is melted, it coats the flour more evenly, resulting in cookies that are chewier and denser.

Should cookie dough be refrigerated before baking? ›

As a general rule of thumb, you should refrigerate cookie dough for at least 30 minutes and up to 24 hours. More than that, and you won't see a noticeable difference in the final product. Once the dough has chilled, let it warm up at room temperature until it's just pliable (about 5 to 10 minutes).

How do you keep homemade cookies soft and chewy? ›

The bread/apple trick

Here's a baker's trick you'll find in our new Monster Cookies recipe: Adding a piece of fresh white bread to the storage container will keep cookies from becoming hard or stale.

Can you leave baked cookies out overnight? ›

Cookies with high moisture content, such as soft and chewy varieties, are more susceptible to spoilage when left out overnight. On the other hand, drier cookies, like biscotti or shortbread, can typically withstand longer periods at room temperature without significant quality deterioration.

Should I use baking soda or baking powder in cookies? ›

Baking soda is typically used for chewy cookies, while baking powder is generally used for light and airy cookies. Since baking powder is comprised of a number of ingredients (baking soda, cream of tartar, cornstarch, etc.), using it instead of pure baking soda will affect the taste of your cookies.

How to make crispy cookies soft? ›

Just wrap a cookie or two in a damp paper towel and then put them in the microwave for about 10 to 15 seconds. The moisture from the paper towel should soften the cookies right up.

Does baking powder make cookies crunchy? ›

The typical outcome when using baking powder for baking cookies (as long as you've followed the recipe) is a puffy, light cookie with a pleasant crunch.

What determines the crispness of a cookie? ›

The ingredients you use and how you shape your cookies both play an important role in whether your cookies turn out crispy or chewy. The type of flour and sugar you use, if your cookie dough contains eggs, and whether you use melted or softened butter all factor into the crispy-chewy equation, too.

What factors cause a cookie to be chewy? ›

Well, the long and short answer to chewy cookies is it's all about the moisture content. Cookies that are dense and chewy incorporate more moisture into the batter. This can be achieved by making substitutions with wet and dry ingredients, or even just changing the way you incorporate certain ingredients.

Why are my cookies hard instead of chewy? ›

Under-Bake Your Cookies

Ever accidentally bake a batch of cookies for too long, only to find that they were crunchy and hard instead of soft and chewy? The opposite goes for under-baking. Pull your cookies out of the oven a minute or two early (while the centers are still gooey).

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.