Almond Butter: The Ultimate Guide | Crazy Richard’s (2024)

Everyone knows about peanut butter – but what about almond butter? Is this unique alternative to the world’s favorite spreadable legume better for your health, waistline, and diet? That’s what many food enthusiasts are beginning to find out.

Almond butter is one of the most sought-after alternatives to peanut butter on the market. Similar to any kind of nut butter, homemade almond butter is a somewhat easy-to-make product if you have the right ingredients and a sturdy food processor or blender. You can also find countless companies selling delicious almond butter made from carefully roasted almonds too.

However, though almond butter is beginning to gain more attention in the world of food and snacks, there’s still a lot of confusion surrounding this tasty treat. That’s why we’re going to give you the ultimate introduction to almond butter right here.

Is Almond Butter Healthier Than Peanut Butter?

Almond butter is a delicious way to take advantage of all the nutritional benefits of roasted almonds and natural almonds – without eating them handfuls at a time. Surprisingly, almonds are more closely related to the peach than the peanut in some cases, but they’re quickly emerging as a popular alternative in peanut-based meals.

While peanut butter still stands as a staple in many American households, it’s not ideal for everyone. Like maple syrup, peanut butter isn’t always healthy unless you source it from the right places.

Natural and organic almond butter began its rise to fame at the same time as many other alternative nut butter options appeared. To reduce their intake of fats, salt, sugar, and other unhealthy substances, people have been exploring everything from cashew butter to pecan butter.

So, is almond butter really healthier than peanut butter? In some cases, yes. And in some cases, no.

A 2-tablespoon dose of almond butter contains around 25% more monounsaturated fat (the good fat) than peanut butter. Alternatively, peanut butter has almost twice the saturated fat of almond butter.

Almond butter has various other benefits too. It contains three times as much vitamin E as peanut butter and seven times more calcium, and twice as much iron. Organic almond butter is even richer in fiber content, so it can make you feel fuller, faster. If you’re looking for an ingredient that might help you eat less, almond butter could be it.

One area where peanut butter does outshine almond butter, however, is in protein. There are about 6.7 grams of protein in a serving of almond butter, compared to 7.1 grams in peanut.

Is Almond Butter Good for Weight Loss?

Before you start searching for recipes to make your own delicious almond butter, let’s take a closer look at the benefits of this substance. Almond butter could be useful for weight loss because it has all the standard almond benefits, just condensed. If you’re making your raw almond butter, you can make sure that you’re not using any added sugar or other substances that would pack the pounds onto your waistline.

If you’re using store-bought almond butter, make sure you check the almond butter recipe on the label. To help you lose weight, you’ll need something free from things like palm oil, saturated fat, and extra sugars, flavors, or preservatives.

One of the main benefits of almond butter for weight loss is that it’s packed with fiber. Fiber is the stuff in your food that’s responsible for making you feel fuller, faster. The more satisfied you feel after a slice of almond butter on toast, the less you’re likely to eat.

Some research also suggests that almonds might be suitable for helping adults with higher cholesterol lose weight. However, for now, there’s still a lot of experimentation needed.

What is Almond Butter?

Let’s start with the basics. Almond butter is an alternative nut butter for people who want to enjoy almonds’ benefits with a creamy consistency. There are many different kinds of almond butter out there, from plain almond butter to crunchy almond butter. Similar to peanut butter, these products feature a single product as their main ingredient.

All-natural almond butter would contain nothing but almonds and natural oils. However, some alternative store-bought options may feature extra sugar, salt, and other ingredients for flavor. Almond butter is:

  • Calorie dense: There are quite a few calories in almond butter, so it’s important to make sure that you don’t eat too much. The good news is that the calories won’t necessarily lead to your waistline problems if you use almond butter correctly.
  • High in healthy fats: Almond butter is low in saturated fat (about 1 gram per serving). However, almonds are high in monounsaturated fats, which means that creamy almond butter is too.
  • Rich in protein: Like other kinds of nut butter and products made with tree nuts, almond butter features a lot of protein. You’ll get around 3.4 grams of protein per tablespoon. This is only slightly less than you’d get from homemade peanut butter.
  • Brimming with minerals and vitamins: Roasted almond butter or natural almond butter is high in calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, and various other substances. However, the levels of natural salt and sugar in this product are relatively low. Almond butter is also a brilliant vitamin E source, making it ideal for those who don’t get vitamin E from their other dietary staples.

What are the Benefits of Almond Nut Butter?

If you’re thinking of switching your peanut butter obsession out for roasted almonds and almond butter, then it’s worth checking out the benefits first. The most significant benefit of almond butter for most people is that it’s delicious. Whether you’re using blanched almonds or raw almonds, you can achieve a fantastic nutty flavor that’s great in a range of meals.

Aside from its flavor, almond butter also offers a range of health benefits. It’s a little more heart-healthy than your standard peanut butter, with high levels of monounsaturated fats that can reduce your LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and raise the good cholesterol in your body.

Of course, you don’t need to eat a diet rich in nut butter to get heart-friendly benefits. Eating raw almonds and other tree nuts can help to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease, infections, respiratory diseases, and more.

Other benefits of almond butter include:

  • Better bone health: Almonds are high in calcium, which is why they make such a good alternative to milk. Try almond milk in your next latte. Calcium is brilliant for building strong bones, supporting healthy blood clotting, and enhancing nerve and muscle function. Almonds are also full of magnesium, which helps to boost your bone health too.
  • Blood sugar control: The magnesium in almond nut butter is also helpful for supporting various bodily processes in your body every day. Magnesium assists in regulating both blood sugar and blood pressure. It could be a useful tool in helping some people to control chronic conditions like diabetes. However, it’s important to talk to your doctor before you whip out your blender or food processor. You may need to use special kinds of almond butter recipe to ensure you get the most benefits.
  • Repairing cell damage: Almond butter is brimming with vitamin E, which is also high in antioxidants – great for repairing the damage caused by oxidative stress. Using your blender or food processor to add more homemade almond butter to your life could help you protect yourself against chronic diseases.

Issues to Remember with Almond Butter

Homemade almond butter can be an excellent treat for those looking for food they can eat with plenty of unsaturated fat, vitamin E, and other bonus benefits. There are various vegan-friendly recipe options out there for people who want to make the most of their raw almonds. However, before you start using your blender or food processor to create your own nut butter, be careful.

You should always speak to a doctor before adding new items to your diet if you have chronic issues like diabetes. This is true whether you’re interested in peanut butter, natural maple syrup, raw almonds, or even coconut oil. Your doctor will tell you which products you need to avoid.

Another point to remember is that almonds are a tree nut. Tree nut allergies can be some of the topmost common food allergies in the United States. Around 1% of the population has some kind of tree nut allergy. Although an allergy to one nut doesn’t mean that you’ll be allergic to all of the others, it’s best to be cautious – just in case.

Before you begin experimenting with homemade nut butter, make sure that you don’t have any almonds or almond flour issues by taking an allergy test. Although peanuts are a legume rather than a tree nut, you may still need to be cautious with almonds if you have an allergy to peanuts. About 30% of the people who have a peanut allergy also have an allergy to almonds.

Why is Almond Butter So Expensive?

It can be hard to find almonds that are truly fresh, and figure out how to roast them to perfection. And if you don’t have the right food processor or blender skills to make your own homemade almond butter, you might have considered looking into store-bought almond butter. Unfortunately, almond butter is quite expensive – a lot more so than the more popular option – peanut butter.

Products like almond butter and natural maple syrup are often more expensive because they take a lot more time and effort to produce. Remember that most of the almonds grown in America come from California, where droughts are common. If California experiences a lack of water, then the state simply can’t keep up with the demand for almonds to make almond butter.

Although other products can reduce the water resources across California, it’s worth remembering that it takes over a gallon of water to grow just one almond. It also takes around 220 gallons of water to produce only one large avocado.

The more specialized your chosen brand of almond butter is, the more you’ll spend. If you want a top-of-the-line vegan and creamy almond butter, then you can expect to pay a little more for your source of healthy fat. The same is true for high-quality olive oil and sea salt. But it doesn’t always have to be that way. Unfortunately, many “natural” or “organic” food companies know they can get away with charging premium prices for these sought after foods. But not at Crazy Richard’s! The mission of Crazy Richard’s is to offer high quality, gourmet products at affordable prices accessible to as many people as possible. You will probably find Crazy Richard’s Almond Butter in stores at a lower price than most other brands, and yet Crazy Richard’s Almond Butter has just one ingredient: California Almonds!

What do You Eat Almond Butter With?

So, what can you eat almond butter with? The simple answer is that it’s totally up to you. Almond butter works well with almost anything you would eat peanut butter with, and then some. The best way to start finding recipes that work for you is to experiment. Whip out your food processor or blender and use your almond butter recipe to make a batch to test with.

Almond butter’s creamy texture makes it great on toast and other starches, like English muffins, bagels, pancakes, and waffles. You can also eat it on fresh fruit, smeared on a banana, or with some slices of apples – similar to how you’d eat peanut butter.

Many people use all-natural almond butter as part of their get-fit routine, with healthy snacks like a scoop of almond butter on a celery stick, for instance. It also works well in yogurt, particularly when mixed with a sweetener like natural honey or maple syrup.

If you want to drink your almond butter rather than eat it, you could use it to add a creamy texture to a smoothie, alongside a spoonful of coconut oil, some frozen fruits, and plenty of ice. To boost the quality of your recipe, add some protein powder and greens to your food pressor too. There’s no limit to what you can do with your blender.

Other options include:

  • With hot cereal: Try a scoop of creamy almond butter on your oatmeal or consider using it as a substitute to honey.
  • Added to savory dishes: Vegan almond butter in a curry or sauce thickens the substance and adds a nutty body into the mix.
  • On ice cream and frozen yogurt: Mix your almond butter with some warm chocolate syrup for a fantastic treat on your ice cream.
  • In sweet baked goods: Almond butter works brilliantly as an alternative to peanut butter in recipes for cookies and muffins.
  • In your sandwiches: Try replacing the classic PB&J with an almond butter sandwich instead – you might be surprised by the change in flavor.

Should I Refrigerate Almond Butter?

If you’re thinking of experimenting with almond butter, you will need to know how to store this unique substance. Storing almond butter correctly will ensure that you can continue to make the most of the product’s benefits without exposing yourself to any dangerous bacteria.

While you don’t necessarily need to keep natural peanut butter in the fridge, most experts recommend refrigerating almond butter if you can. Even though you can store a jar of almond butter in the pantry or cupboard, as soon as the jar is opened, it’s vulnerable to exposure to various forms of bacteria and bugs. Keeping your almond butter in the fridge is crucial if you want to keep it safe.

Since almond butter costs quite a lot when it’s store-bought, it’s best to store it in the fridge if you want it to last for as long as possible. However, if you’re making your own almond butter at home, you should definitely consider refrigerating. Remember that home-made and preservative-free nut butter won’t last as long as the standard store options.

There’s another benefit to keeping your almond butter stored in a cold space too. Aside from increasing its shelf life, putting your almond butter in the fridge prevents oil separation. It’s also easier to work with almond butter taken straight from the refrigerator because you won’t need to stir in the layer of natural oil that rises to the top when stored at room temperature.

The downside is that natural almond butter almost completely solidifies in the fridge, making it harder to spread on a piece of toast. However, you can always give it a few minutes to soften before you begin using it. Alternatively, Crazy Richard’s Almond Butter is extremely smooth and tends to stay softer than any other brand even when stored in the refrigerator.

Can I Eat Almond Butter Every Day?

Eating almond butter every day is a bit like eating peanut butter on a daily basis. You can eat this substance regularly if you want to – but it’s important to make sure that you’re only consuming it in moderation. There are a lot of calories in almond butter, and you could end up facing issues with your weight if you eat too much at once.

If you’re thinking of eating almond butter on a regular basis, consider switching it with another less-healthy snack in your diet, like a chocolate bar or some cookies. This could be a great way to keep you feeling satisfied when the urge to snack rises.

Remember, experimenting with almond butter is an excellent way to reduce your exposure to dangerous fats and boost your intake of positive vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. If you haven’t explored this tree nut butter benefits yet, now could be the perfect time to start. Just remember that there is such a thing as having too much of a good thing.

Almond Butter: The Ultimate Guide | Crazy Richard’s (2024)


Does Crazy Richard's peanut butter need to be refrigerated after opening? ›

It sure can be stored in the fridge, but it certainly does not need to be. If you want perfectly drizzly PB then keep your opened jar in your pantry or on your kitchen counter for easy access. Keep the lid closed on top and your PB will stay good for a really long time.

Do you have to stir crazy Richard's peanut butter? ›

If you don't open it for a few weeks, the oils will naturally separate and you will probably have to stir it up. If you like your nut butter thick, then store your jars in the fridge once they have been stirred; you will not need to stir your jars again!

What oil is used in Crazy Richard's peanut butter? ›

To create peanut butter, other companies usually add salt, sugar, and stabilizing oils into the mix. However, at Crazy Richard's, we like to keep it simple and natural. Our peanut butter has nothing but peanuts, so our peanut butter will have natural oil that rises to the top of the jar.

Is it healthy to eat almond butter every day? ›

You can eat this substance regularly if you want to – but it's important to make sure that you're only consuming it in moderation. There are a lot of calories in almond butter, and you could end up facing issues with your weight if you eat too much at once.

What happens if you don t refrigerate nut butter after opening? ›

It's generally best to refrigerate our nut butters. Because they do not contain any artificial preservatives or stabilizers, they can become rancid if left out of refrigeration for an extended period of time and/or exposed to warm temperatures.

What happens if you don t refrigerate peanut butter after opening? ›

Unrefrigerated peanut butter is safe

After opening, it's good for two to three months. In an entry on shelf-stable foods, peanut butter is given as an example of a food that is “safe indefinitely.” It may take on a stale flavor or an unappetizing texture or color over the years, but it's not likely to kill you.

Why do you put almond butter over peanut butter? ›

Chawla says, “Almond butter has more vitamins and minerals than peanut butter. It includes greater vitamin E, a strong antioxidant that aids in cell protection. Furthermore, almond butter has more magnesium, which is beneficial to bone health, neuron function, and energy generation.

What's the healthiest peanut butter to eat? ›

Smucker's Natural Peanut Butter Creamy

Smucker's Natural Peanut Butter came up the most when we asked dietitians for the best peanut butter, particularly because it's economical and meets the dietitians' requirements of being made of just two ingredients: peanuts and salt.

Which peanut butter is 100% natural? ›

Smucker's® Creamy Natural Peanut Butter is 100% natural and made with two simple ingredients: fresh-roasted peanuts and a dash of salt. It's perfect for pairing with Smucker's famous jams and jellies for a great PB & J. Also enjoy as a snack with fruits or crackers, or use in recipes.

Who owns Crazy Richard's peanut butter? ›

President & Owner of Crazy Richard's

After a lifetime involved in the family business, in 2016 Richard's daughter Kimmi Wernli officially became who we affectionately refer to as “Richard the Third” and subsequently the first female president/owner of one of the oldest natural food companies in the nation!

What is the white goop in peanut butter? ›

Occasionally, you may find an oily substance at the top of your jar of natural peanut butter. This is the oil separating from the natural peanut butter.

How long does peanut butter last? ›

Peanut butter may last 6–24 months unopened, or 2–3 months once opened. Natural peanut butters lack preservatives and may last several months unopened, or up to a month once opened. Peanut butter is a popular spread, thanks to its rich taste and creamy texture.

Is 2 tablespoons of almond butter too much? ›

Even though almonds are great for your health, eating too many of them can cause problems for your body. It may even take you away from your health goal instead of towards it. Even for almond butter, recommended serving is about 2 tbsp which is more than enough to be used as a dessert topping, on toast, or even shakes.

Is banana with almond butter healthy? ›

This combo of nutritious ingredients provides natural sweetness and energy from the banana, plus six grams of plant protein and three grams of fiber from the almond butter,” Largeman-Roth says.

Is almond butter anti-inflammatory? ›

Almond butter is rich in Vitamin E which is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is most commonly known for its benefits for skin health and appearance. Vitamin E also helps support collagen production, this helps to keep our skin smooth and youthful.

What peanut butter does not need to be refrigerated? ›

Conventional Peanut Butter

Peanut butter with preservatives and stabilizers that keep it from separating don't need to be refrigerated. Instead, you can store conventional peanut butter in a cool, dry place, such as a kitchen pantry or cabinet.

Should I refrigerate powdered peanut butter? ›

However, storing something in cold temperatures ensures that it lasts longer. Store your peanut butter powder in a cool, dark, dry place. Keeping your peanut butter powder this way helps it stay good for up to 12 months. Store it in your fridge or freezer for even longer and fresher results!

Does JIF need to be refrigerated after opening? ›

How long does Jif® peanut butter last? Unopened and stored in a cool, dry area, Jif peanut butter will last about two years (refer to the “Best If Used By” date). After opening, you can keep Jif peanut butter about three months on the pantry shelf.

Does Skippy peanut butter have to be refrigerated after opening? ›

SKIPPY® Peanut Butter opened or not is happiest when stored at room temperature. You can refrigerate it to savour its flavour for longer, but know that when refrigerated, it doesn't spread as easily. You should also know that SKIPPY® Peanut Butter doesn't like being too cold, so keep it freezer-free!

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