Agora Models G1 Optimus Prime Die-Cast Metal Model Kit Images (2024)

Home » Non-Transforming » Agora Models G1 Optimus Prime Die-Cast Metal Model Kit Images

by Black Convoy under Non-Transforming

Agora Models, specialized in big-scale modeling, have update their website with images and information about their new officially licensedG1 Optimus Prime Die-Cast Metal Model Kit.

This is an impressive 600-part fully poseable Die-Cast Metal kit with lights, sound and voice effects which stands78 cm / 31 inches tall once assembled with a weight of 11 kilos approximately. You can also buy a display base separately for the ultimate display in your collection.

This is sure an ambitious, detailed and expensive build set, specially if you consider all the metal pieces. It will be delivered in parts according to three different payments plans to spread the cost in 9 months, 1 year or two years that you can find on Agora Models website.The first pack will be shipped in January/February 2023.

See all the mirrored images, a promotional video of the color prototype, and the complete product description after the break. Interested in this new Optimus Prime figure? Let us know your impressions on the 2005 Boards!

Agora Models G1 Optimus Prime Die-Cast Metal Model Kit Images (2)


Height: 780 mm (31”)
Width: 380 mm (15”)
Depth: 230 mm (9”)
(all above dimensions exclude display base)

Weight: 11 kg approx (24 1/2 lbs)
Material: Die cast metal with ABS

Number of parts: 600 approx

Blue lit eyes with five animation settings
Functioning lights across Optimus Prime’s body
Voice and effects sounds
Metallic paint
Fully posable model with articulated joints
Illuminated and removable Matrix of Leadership
Includes Blaster and Battle Axe (with lighting effects)
Articulated hands
Hidden & visible vehicle details (brakes, radiator)

Agora Models G1 Optimus Prime Die-Cast Metal Model Kit Images - Additional Images

Agora Models G1 Optimus Prime Die-Cast Metal Model Kit Images (23)


The only positive thing I can say about this is that it's making Unicron look uncomfortable.

Agora Models G1 Optimus Prime Die-Cast Metal Model Kit Images (24)


When price has lab unicron was about people complained this one is double price of unicron shipping tax included

HasLab Unicron is actually about the same price now (on the low end, more on the high end) on the aftermarket. They sell for over $2K USD.

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these gigantic build-a-whatever subscriptions are always impressive to look at and covet until you find out what the cost of the completed whatever ends up being

Agora Models G1 Optimus Prime Die-Cast Metal Model Kit Images (26)

When price has lab unicron was about people complained this one is double price of unicron shipping tax included

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Where am I supposed to put that, on my roof?

You'd probably get excellent reception on your TV with it up there. Open out his arms and it would probably be a good wifi extender too

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Where am I supposed to put that, on my roof?

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Terror of space

This is just a pass altogether. It has a bit of a design that looks like MP Optimus 2.0, but it works better in the way that is smaller. Plus the price, I\'ll have to get a small lown to get it.

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Wow that is a huge Optimus, and expensive. Would be cool to have, and probably fun to build, but not at that price.

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that matrix sucks and is lazy

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Wow he's even bigger than unicron.

The question is where in primus is SS86 commander class optimus?

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Hoping for Agora Unicron and Metroplex.

100 feet tall and asteroid sized, respectively

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That is cool, but I am doing the fanhome Optimus right now. I can\'t see doing two of these at once, although this one looks pretty slick!

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Hoping for Agora Unicron and Metroplex.

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Too bad they couldn't make it affordable.


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We are in the middle of a cross country move, so my partner and my kids have the last kit sitting in our old home. I have everything else, except the last kit and the base, sitting in my temporary apartment. It just didn’t ship before I had relocate and I wasn’t going to risk it being sent to a hotel.

That said, I will happily vouch for both this model and Agora. They still have to ship the base, but this thing has been a ton of fun to build for several reasons:

1. The model itself is phenomenal. Having built several Zoids, more aircraft and cars than I can count, lots of ships, and lots of Gundams and Super MiniPla, and this thing is solid. It’s a different type and scale of model I haven’t done before but I can see it lasting a really long time. They advertised it as a “museum quality piece” and having visited a lot of museums, I could see that. I know people seem to hate on it for various reasons, but the kit is probably my favorite build from the last few years.

2. Agora’s quality control and customer service are top notch. Super responsive and they have included spare parts to replace things that didn’t live up to their QC standards before customers even had to ask (there was a bad O-ring in the left arm and they just included a new one in the pack with the explanation of what it was for). From everything I’ve seen, very solid company.

3. For Agora themselves, they do lots of model distribution, so the subscription model works for them. They sent a coupon for receiving the first kit of another big scale model for free with the completion of this kit and they have several that are pretty cool (the xenomorph and Terminator are in their movie line, while they also have stuff like the Bismarck). They are also responsible for distributing Warhammer 40K Imperium in the U.S. (also a great value and solid subscription).

4. What’s not shown in the pictures is the electronics like the movie mouth, eyes, feet lights, etc. Or the die cast pieces – fully half of this thing is metal.

So, hopefully I will finish the big guy in June. Just in time to put my collection back up. I already had to say this one isn’t a play model because my youngest three are already asking. They come in and take stuff off the shelves at random but this will be too heavy for them to move themselves.

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Pretty sure the matrix is a third party one you have to 3D print iirc

No. It’s built with the kit.

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Liege Prime

He looks a bit like Toy Alliance's MAS-01, who was a little smaller at 18 inches, but also only like $100 when he came out and not a model kit. Anyways, this new Agora version doesn't exactly appeal to me from what I see. My wallet whole-heartedly agrees.

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If you kinda think about it, not counting the price tag, this version of Optimus would be perfect to scale with Beast Wars figures.

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Too bad they couldn't make it look more like the cartoon.

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Black Convoy

Two versions of The Matrix of Leadership: one in his chest is removable, another to hold in his iconic pose

okay, stand corrected. But there is a 3d printed one in that scale also. And while I can’t recall if it has LEDs in it you could more than easily modify it to allow for some.

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Agora Models G1 Optimus Prime Die-Cast Metal Model Kit Images (2024)
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