5 foods you must avoid eating with radish | The Times of India (2024)


01/8Avoid eating these foods with Radish

5 foods you must avoid eating with radish | The Times of India (1)5 foods you must avoid eating with radish | The Times of India (2)

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Come winter and the one vegetable that we get in abundance is the white-coloured radish. Mostly consumed as a vegetable, radish is known to be rich in vitamins A, B & C, protein, calcium and several minerals such as iron. It is known to be a great vegetable for digestion and it is for this reason that many people love to consume it in winter. One can also stir fry radishes to make a dry vegetable which is best enjoyed with Chapati. People also make pickles with this vegetable and it provides great relief for gastric issues. As delicious and nutritious as this vegetable is, there are some foods and drinks that must be avoided while consuming this vegetable, as they can be deadly for the health of a person. Here is a list of all those foods. (Images courtesy: iStock)



5 foods you must avoid eating with radish | The Times of India (3)

5 foods you must avoid eating with radish | The Times of India (4)5 foods you must avoid eating with radish | The Times of India (5)

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Drinking milk right after eating radish can wreak havoc on the system, this is because radish gives warmth to the system and combining it with milk can trigger heartburn, acid reflux and stomach ache. Thus, it is best to keep a gap of a few hours between the intake of these two foods.



5 foods you must avoid eating with radish | The Times of India (6)

5 foods you must avoid eating with radish | The Times of India (7)5 foods you must avoid eating with radish | The Times of India (8)

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People celebrate the best combination of cucumber and radish. But do you know that cucumber and radish should not be eaten together because cucumber contains ascorbate, which acts to absorb vitamin C? For this reason, cucumber and radish should not be eaten together.



Consuming oranges along with radishes can also severely damage health. It can also be said that the combination of these two works like poison for you. This will not only make you a patient of stomach problems but can also give you more health ailments.


05/8Bitter Gourd

5 foods you must avoid eating with radish | The Times of India (12)

5 foods you must avoid eating with radish | The Times of India (13)5 foods you must avoid eating with radish | The Times of India (14)

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Be careful if you are consuming radish and bitter gourd together in any way. This can be dangerous for your health. Actually, the natural elements found in both of these can spoil your health by acting among themselves. This can not only cause you breathing problems, but it is also fatal for the heart.



5 foods you must avoid eating with radish | The Times of India (15)

5 foods you must avoid eating with radish | The Times of India (16)5 foods you must avoid eating with radish | The Times of India (17)

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This combination is extremely dangerous as it could lead to constipation and acidity. It is because, radish or mooli is cool in nature and tea is said to be warm in nature, and the two are completely opposite of each other. It is for this reason that the combination of tea and radish is said to be not compatible.


07/8Avoid consuming too much radish

5 foods you must avoid eating with radish | The Times of India (18)

5 foods you must avoid eating with radish | The Times of India (19)5 foods you must avoid eating with radish | The Times of India (20)

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Although radish is a wonderful vegetable, which offers several health benefits too much radish also can cause certain health issues such as dehydration. When you consume too much radish, it makes a lot of urine in your body which can lead to too many visits to the loo. This can cause too much dehydration in your body. Thus, whenever you consume radish, make sure that you drink a lot of water. This way you will stay away from dehydration.


08/8Who should avoid radishes?

5 foods you must avoid eating with radish | The Times of India (21)

5 foods you must avoid eating with radish | The Times of India (22)5 foods you must avoid eating with radish | The Times of India (23)

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It is said that radishes can lower your blood sugar, and if a person has an issue with low BP, then he should definitely avoid consuming it. Thus, if you really like radishes, take the doctor’s advice before you consume this delicious vegetable.


5 foods you must avoid eating with radish | The Times of India (24)

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5 foods you must avoid eating with radish  | The Times of India (2024)


What should not be eaten with radishes? ›

  1. Dec 6, 2023, 08:52 PM IST. 5 Foods You Must Never Pair With Radish. ...
  2. Radish and Milk. ...
  3. Radish and Cucumber. ...
  4. Radish and Oranges. ...
  5. Radish and Bitter Gourd. ...
  6. Radish and Tea.
Dec 6, 2023

Can we eat eggs with radishes? ›

Radish salad will perfectly complement and add nutrients to your lunch or dinner. The combination of radishes, cucumbers and eggs goes well with different sauces, herbs, mixed green salad, arugula. Try experimenting, create many interesting variations of this dish and decide on your favourite combination!

Why should radishes not be eaten at night? ›

You should avoid eating radish on an empty stomach since it gives rise to gas-related problems. You should also avoid going to bed immediately after consuming it since that would cause bloating. The ideal time to eat it is during lunch.

Can we eat curd with radishes? ›

Radishes contain compounds that may interfere with the digestion of dairy products, leading to gas and bloating. To avoid discomfort, it's best to consume radishes separately from curd or opt for milder varieties of vegetables.

Why not eat cucumber and radish together? ›

Pairing cucumber and radish may seem like a great combination for weight watchers, but this may call for trouble. Yes, consuming these two foods may trigger indigestion and lead to discomfort, due to the presence of ascorbate in cucumber, which absorbs vitamin C.

What is the side effect of radish? ›

Since radishes are natural diuretics (foods that lower the fluid in your body, causing you to pee more), eating too many might make you dehydrated. Stomach irritation.As with other fruits and vegetables, eating too many radishes or radish leaves may upset your stomach. That's because of the high fiber content.

Do radishes cleanse the liver? ›

Radish contains compounds like glucosinolates that may assist the liver in its natural detoxification processes. These compounds support the breakdown and elimination of toxins from the body.

Can you eat carrots with radishes? ›

Why you'll love these roasted radishes and carrots. It's an easy side dish with delicious flavours! This side dish recipe is a delicious way to enjoy seasonal vegetables. A great side dish for Easter or pair with a roast chicken anytime.

Can we drink water after eating radishes? ›

Thus, whenever you consume radish, make sure that you drink a lot of water. This way you will stay away from dehydration.

What are two foods you should avoid before bedtime? ›

Suggested foods to avoid near bedtime include:
  • Spicy foods.
  • Foods high in fat, such as fried foods, full-fat dairy products, and fatty meats.
  • Acidic foods, such as tomatoes and citrus fruits.
  • Caffeine-containing food and drink, including chocolate, coffee, and tea.
  • Alcohol.
Apr 22, 2024

How to know when radish is bad? ›

Avoid radishes that are soft, dull-colored, and have white or brown scars or black spots; if the radish tops are yellow, limp, or slimy, the radishes are old or have not been refrigerated properly.

What is the healthiest way to eat radishes? ›

They're best eaten raw, and can be easily sliced into salads and sandwiches, or enjoyed whole and dipped into houmous for a healthy snack. The young leaves are delicious in salads or cooked in the same way as spinach.

Can we eat apple and radish together? ›

It is believed that eating radishes after eating apples can put you in skin problems, it can cause rashes or allergies on the skin. However, there is no strong evidence for this.

What are 10 benefits of radishes? ›

Radishes are high in potassium, which can help lower your blood pressure. They also support the generation of collagen, which helps keep blood vessels healthy. Radishes are also thought to control damage to red blood cells and help increase oxygen supply to the blood.

What are radishes good to eat with? ›

Spring radishes may be best when eaten raw, sliced on top of a green salad, grated in a slaw, or dipped in a bit of salt or other dressing. They can be enjoyed year-round when roasted, braised or pickled. If you find radishes to be too spicy, you may find that roasting or braising them mellows their heat.

Are radishes bad for high blood pressure? ›

Normal radishes contain both valuable antioxidants and a compound called Nitric Oxide, which is known to reduce blood pressure and therefore the risk of stroke or heart attack.

Are radishes hard on the digestive system? ›

Improves bowel health: Because radish is rich in fiber, it adds considerable bulk to bowel movements that alleviates constipation symptoms. Studies have revealed that radish leaves that contain sulfurous compounds may prevent parasitic stomach infection and eliminate the symptoms of diarrhea.

Are radishes an inflammatory food? ›

Radish is a cruciferous vegetable that may offer some health benefits. Radishes can help lower blood sugar levels and are a source of antioxidants that might help protect against cancer and prevent inflammation.

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